CPH launches new Executive-in-Residence Program with John Deere
Published on April 28, 2016

On April 21, the UI College of Public Health launched a new Executive-in-Residence Program designed to integrate senior business leaders into the life of the college; provide opportunities for these executives to interact closely with students, faculty, and staff; and help shape future strategic directions.
The inaugural business leader in the Executive-in-Residence Program was Laurie Zelnio, Director of Environment, Health, Safety, Standards, and Sustainability for Deere & Company of Moline, Ill. Zelnio leads initiatives and programs to assure the company’s products and global operations are in compliance and focused on safeguarding customers, employees, and the environment while also reducing the company’s use of natural resources.
During the day-long experience, Zelnio held a series of individual and small-group meetings with faculty, students, and staff. She presented an overview of Deere’s global business operations, was a guest speaker in two classes, and held a college-wide seminar focused on global ethics and the challenges of managing environment, health, and safety issues in different cultures.

Zelnio outlined several factors that fueled Deere’s interest in the Executive-in-Residence concept, including enhancing the number and quality of potential employees, collaborating on projects and research, and informing the company’s position on policies, standards, and regulations.
“So much that happens in the college has tremendous value for Deere and others in industry,” said Zelnio. “There are huge benefits to maturing our relationship with the College of Public Health. There are benefits for Deere, for the agricultural and construction industries, and we think for the college as well, whether you are trying to find locations for your graduates or partners for your projects and research.”
College of Public Health Dean Sue Curry highlighted the long-term benefits of strengthening connections with industry partners.
“The College of Public Health hosts many visitors as lecturers and conference participants, but the Executive-in-Residence program is designed to foster long-term relationships between the executives and our college,” said Curry. “These relationships will help guide new strategic initiatives.”