CPH launches online alumni directory
Published on February 1, 2017
The University of Iowa College of Public Health has developed an online directory of CPH alumni with known email addresses as provided by the UI Division of Alumni Records. The directory will be a resource to:
- Enable CPH alumni to stay in touch or make new connections with fellow graduates.
- Assist current students seeking to make contact with alumni for professional purposes, such as exploring career opportunities, or as an informal resource when they are relocating to a new city.
CPH alumni can be searched for in the directory by the following fields:
- Name
- Degree
- Degree Year
- Department
- City/State/Country
Alumni may elect to provide additional information such as organization and title, LinkedIn profile, and employment sector category (government, private sector, non-profit, etc).
The CPH alumni directory is available here. For questions, contact Tara McKee, CPH Alumni Relations Coordinator.