2007 Publications
Abbud-Filho M, Adams PL, Alberu J, Cardella C, Chapman J, Cochat P, Cosio F, Danovitch G, Davis C, Gaston RS, Humar A, Hunsicker LG, Josephson MA, Kasiske B, Kirste G, Leichtman A, Munn S, Obrador GT, Tibell A, Wadstrom J, Zeier M, Delmonico FL.
A Report of the Lisbon Conference on the Care of the Kidney Transplant Recipient.
Transplantation. 2007 Apr 27;83(8 Suppl):S1-S22.
Akamigbo AB, Wolinsky FD.
New evidence of racial differences in access and their effects on the use of nursing homes among older adults.
Med Care. 2007 Jul;45(7):672-9.
Ardery G, Carter BL, Milchak JL, Bergus GR, Dawson JD, James PA, Franciscus C, Kim Y.
Explicit and implicit evaluation of physician adherence to hypertension guidelines.
J Clin Hypertens (Greenwich). 2007 Feb;9(2):113-9.
Armato SG 3rd, Roberts RY, McNitt-Gray MF, Meyer CR, Reeves AP, McLennan G, Engelmann RM, Bland PH, Aberle DR, Kazerooni EA, MacMahon H, van Beek EJ, Yankelevitz D, Croft BY, Clarke LP.
The Lung Image Database Consortium (LIDC): ensuring the integrity of expert-defined “truth”.
Acad Radiol. 2007 Dec;14(12):1455-63.
Armato SG 3rd, McNitt-Gray MF, Reeves AP, Meyer CR, McLennan G, Aberle DR, Kazerooni EA, MacMahon H, van Beek EJ, Yankelevitz D, Hoffman EA, Henschke CI, Roberts RY, Brown MS, Engelmann RM, Pais RC, Piker CW, Qing D, Kocherginsky M, Croft BY, Clarke LP.
The Lung Image Database Consortium (LIDC): an evaluation of radiologist variability in the identification of lung nodules on CT scans.
Acad Radiol. 2007 Nov;14(11):1409-21.
Bardia A, Nisly NL, Zimmerman MB, Gryzlak BM, Wallace RB.
Use of herbs among adults based on evidence-based indications: findings from the National Health Interview Survey.
Mayo Clin Proc. 2007 May;82(5):561-6.
Barrash J, Denburg NL, Moser DJ, Woolson RF, Schumacher AJ, Doebbeling BN.
Credibility of neuropsychological performances of Persian Gulf War veterans and military control subjects participating in clinical epidemiological research.
Mil Med. 2007 Jul;172(7):697-707.
Bergus GR.
Basic sciences education in the medical curriculum.
Med Educ. 2007 Apr;41(4):427.
Bergus GR, Kreiter CD.
The reliability of summative judgements based on objective structured clinical examination cases distributed across the clinical year.
Med Educ. 2007 Jul;41(7):661-6.
Brooks JM, Chrischilles EA.
Heterogeneity and the interpretation of treatment effect estimates from risk adjustment and instrumental variable methods.
Med Care. 2007 Oct;45(10 Supl 2):S123-30.
Brooks JM, Klepser DG, Urmie JM, Farris KB, Doucette WR.
Effect of local competition on the willingness of community pharmacies to supply medication therapy management services.
J Health Hum Serv Adm. 2007 Summer;30(1):4-27.
Buckwalter AE, Karnell LH, Smith RB, Christensen AJ, Funk GF.
Patient-reported factors associated with discontinuing employment following head and neck cancer treatment.
Arch Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg. 2007 May;133(5):464-70.
Carter BL, Sica DA.
Strategies to improve the cardiovascular risk profile of thiazide-type diuretics as used in the management of hypertension.
Expert Opin Drug Saf. 2007 Sep;6(5):583-94. Review.
Cram P, Rosenthal GE.
Physician-owned specialty hospitals and coronary revascularization utilization: too much of a good thing?
JAMA. 2007 Mar 7;297(9):998-9.
Cram P, Vaughan-Sarrazin MS, Rosenthal GE.
Hospital characteristics and patient populations served by physician owned and non physician owned orthopedic specialty hospitals.
BMC Health Serv Res. 2007 Sep 25;7:155.
Cram P, Vaughan-Sarrazin MS, Wolf B, Katz JN, Rosenthal GE.
A comparison of total hip and knee replacement in specialty and general hospitals.
J Bone Joint Surg Am. 2007 Aug;89(8):1675-84.
Cvengros JA, Christensen AJ, Hillis SL, Rosenthal GE.
Patient and physician attitudes in the health care context: attitudinal symmetry predicts patient satisfaction and adherence.
Ann Behav Med. 2007 May-Jun;33(3):262-8.
Davidson MH, Robinson JG.
Safety of aggressive lipid management.
J Am Coll Cardiol. 2007 May 1;49(17):1753-62.
Denburg NL, Cole CA, Hernandez M, Yamada TH, Tranel D, Bechara A, Wallace RB.
The orbitofrontal cortex, real-world decision making, and normal aging.
Ann N Y Acad Sci. 2007 Dec;1121:480-98.
Dickerson LM, Kraus C, Kuo GM, Weber CA, Bazaldua OV, Tovar JM, Hume AL, Ives TJ, Gums JG, Carter BL.
Formation of a primary care pharmacist practice-based research network.
Am J Health Syst Pharm. 2007 Oct 1;64(19):2044-9.
Doshi MD, Hunsicker LG.
Short- and long-term outcomes with the use of kidneys and livers donated after cardiac death.
Am J Transplant. 2007 Jan;7(1):122-9.
Doucette WR, Witry MJ, Alkhateeb F, Farris KB, Urmie JM.
Attitudes of Medicare beneficiaries toward pharmacist-provided medication therapy management activities as part of the Medicare Part D benefit.
J Am Pharm Assoc (2003). 2007 Nov-Dec;47(6):758-62.
Duff K, Beglinger LJ, Schultz SK, Moser DJ, McCaffrey RJ, Haase RF, Westervelt HJ, Langbehn DR, Paulsen JS; Huntington’s Study Group.
Practice effects in the prediction of long-term cognitive outcome in three patient samples: a novel prognostic index.
Arch Clin Neuropsychol. 2007 Jan;22(1):15-24.
Faison WE, Schultz SK, Aerssens J, Alvidrez J, Anand R, Farrer LA, Jarvik L, Manly J, McRae T, Murphy GM Jr, Olin JT, Regier D, Sano M, Mintzer JE.
Potential ethnic modifiers in the assessment and treatment of Alzheimer’s disease: challenges for the future.
Int Psychogeriatr. 2007 Jun;19(3):539-58.
Fiedorowicz JG, Moser DJ, Hynes SM, Beglinger LJ, Schultz SK, Ellingrod VL.
LA allelic heterozygosity of the 5HTTLPR polymorphism is associated with higher cognitive function and lower interpersonal sensitivity.
Psychiatr Genet. 2007 Feb;17(1):3-4.
Forman-Hoffman VL, Yankey JW, Hillis SL, Wallace RB, Wolinsky FD.
Weight and depressive symptoms in older adults: direction of influence?
J Gerontol B Psychol Sci Soc Sci. 2007 Jan;62(1):S43-51.
Fortney J, Rushton G, Wood S, Zhang L, Xu S, Dong F, Rost K.
Community-Level Risk Factors for Depression Hospitalizations.
Adm Policy Ment Health. 2007 Feb 9.
Frayling TM, Rafiq S, Murray A, Hurst AJ, Weedon MN, Henley W, Bandinelli S, Corsi AM, Ferrucci L, Guralnik JM, Wallace RB, Melzer D.
An interleukin-18 polymorphism is associated with reduced serum concentrations and better physical functioning in older people.
J Gerontol A Biol Sci Med Sci. 2007 Jan;62(1):73-8.
Golberstein E, Liang J, Quiñones A, Wolinsky FD.
Does More Health Care Improve Health Among Older Adults? A Longitudinal Analysis.
J Aging Health. 2007 Dec;19(6):888-906.
Goldstein DP, Hynds Karnell L, Christensen AJ, Funk GF.
Health-related quality of life profiles based on survivorship status for head and neck cancer patients.
Head Neck. 2007 Mar;29(3):221-9.
Grignon LM, Jameson MJ, Karnell LH, Christensen AJ, Funk GF.
General health measures and long-term survival in patients with head and neck cancer.
Arch Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg. 2007 May;133(5):471-6.
Gryzlak BM, Wallace RB, Zimmerman MB, Nisly NL.
National surveillance of herbal dietary supplement exposures: the poison control center experience.
Pharmacoepidemiol Drug Saf. 2007 Sep;16(9):947-57.
Heederik D, Sigsgaard T, Thorne PS, Kline JN, Avery R, Bonlokke JH, Chrischilles EA, Dosman JA, Duchaine C, Kirkhorn SR, Kulhankova K, Merchant JA.
Health effects of airborne exposures from concentrated animal feeding operations.
Environ Health Perspect. 2007 Feb;115(2):298-302.
Heerspink HL, Greene T, Lewis JB, Raz I, Rohde RD, Hunsicker LG, Schwartz SL, Aronoff S, Katz MA, Eisner GM, Mersey JH, Wiegmann TB; for the Collaborative Study Group.
Effects of Sulodexide in Patients with Type 2 Diabetes and Persistent Albuminuria.
Nephrol Dial Transplant. 2007 Dec 18;
Hendee WR, Banovac F, Carson PL, DeFronzo RA, Eckelman WC, Fullerton GD, Larson SM, McLennan G, Welch MJ.
Biomedical imaging research opportunities workshop IV: a white paper.
Med Phys. 2007 Feb;34(2):673-9.
Horning KK, Hoehns JD, Doucette WR.
Adherence to clinical practice guidelines for 7 chronic conditions in long-term-care patients who received pharmacist disease management services versus traditional drug regimen review.
J Manag Care Pharm. 2007 Jan-Feb;13(1):28-36.
Hoth AB, Carter BL, Ness J, Bhattacharyya A, Shorr RI, Rosenthal GE, Kaboli PJ.
Development and reliability testing of the clinical pharmacist recommendation taxonomy.
Pharmacotherapy. 2007 May;27(5):639-46.
Hoth KF, Christensen AJ, Ehlers SL, Raichle KA, Lawton WJ.
A longitudinal examination of social support, agreeableness and depressive symptoms in chronic kidney disease.
J Behav Med. 2007 Feb;30(1):69-76.
James J, Murry DJ, Treston AM, Storniolo AM, Sledge GW, Sidor C, Miller KD.
Phase I safety, pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic studies of 2-methoxyestradiol alone or in combination with docetaxel in patients with locally recurrent or metastatic breast cancer.
Invest New Drugs. 2007 Feb;25(1):41-8.
James PA, Li P, Ward MM.
Myocardial infarction mortality in rural and urban hospitals: rethinking measures of quality of care.
Ann Fam Med. 2007 Mar-Apr;5(2):105-11.
Jaramillo SA, Felton D, Andrews L, Desiderio L, Hallarn RK, Jackson SD, Coker LH, Robinson JG, Ockene JK, Espeland MA; Women’s Health Initiative Memory Study Research Group.
Enrollment in a brain magnetic resonance study: results from the Women’s Health Initiative Memory Study Magnetic Resonance Imaging Study (WHIMS-MRI).
Acad Radiol. 2007 May;14(5):603-12.
Johnson CE, Crawford BE, Stavridis M, Ten Dam G, Wat AL, Rushton G, Ward CM, Wilson V, van Kuppevelt TH, Esko JD, Smith A, Gallagher JT, Merry CL.
Essential Alterations of Heparan Sulfate during the Differentiation of Embryonic Stem Cells to Sox1-EGFP Expressing Neural Progenitor Cells.
Stem Cells. 2007 Apr 27;
Kaboli PJ, Shivapour DM, Henderson MS, Barnett MJ, Ishani A, Carter BL.
Patient and provider perceptions of hypertension treatment: do they agree?
J Clin Hypertens (Greenwich). 2007 Jun;9(6):416-23.
Kaldjian LC, Jones EW, Wu BJ, Forman-Hoffman VL, Levi BH, Rosenthal GE.
Disclosing medical errors to patients: attitudes and practices of physicians and trainees.
J Gen Intern Med. 2007 Jul;22(7):988-96.
Karnell LH, Christensen AJ, Rosenthal EL, Magnuson JS, Funk GF.
Influence of social support on health-related quality of life outcomes in head and neck cancer.
Head Neck. 2007 Feb;29(2):143-6.
Klein R, Deng Y, Klein BE, Hyman L, Seddon J, Frank RN, Wallace RB, Hendrix SL, Kuppermann BD, Langer RD, Kuller L, Brunner R, Johnson KC, Thomas AM, Haan M.
Cardiovascular disease, its risk factors and treatment, and age-related macular degeneration: Women’s Health Initiative Sight Exam ancillary study.
Am J Ophthalmol. 2007 Mar;143(3):473-83.
Kooperberg C, Cushman M, Hsia J, Robinson JG, Aragaki AK, Lynch JK, Baird AE, Johnson KC, Kuller LH, Beresford SA, Rodriguez B.
Can biomarkers identify women at increased stroke risk? The Women’s Health Initiative Hormone Trials.
PLoS Clin Trials. 2007 Jun 15;2(6):e28.
Kreiter CD, Bergus GR.
Case specificity: empirical phenomenon or measurement artifact?
Teach Learn Med. 2007 Fall;19(4):378-81.
Lang I, Guralnik J, Wallace RB, Melzer D.
What level of alcohol consumption is hazardous for older people? Functioning and mortality in U.S. and English national cohorts.
J Am Geriatr Soc. 2007 Jan;55(1):49-57.
Lang I, Wallace RB, Huppert FA, Melzer D.
Moderate alcohol consumption in older adults is associated with better cognition and well-being than abstinence.
Age Ageing. 2007 May;36(3):256-61.
Lang IA, Rice NE, Wallace RB, Guralnik JM, Melzer D.
Smoking cessation and transition into retirement: analyses from the English Longitudinal Study of Ageing.
Age Ageing. 2007 Nov;36(6):638-43.
Leonard JP, Link BK, Emmanouilides C, Gregory SA, Weisdorf D, Andrey J, Hainsworth J, Sparano JA, Tsai DE, Horning S, Krieg AM, Weiner GJ.
Phase I trial of toll-like receptor 9 agonist PF-3512676 with and following rituximab in patients with recurrent indolent and aggressive non Hodgkin’s lymphoma.
Clin Cancer Res. 2007 Oct 15;13(20):6168-74.
Levy BT, Nordin T, Sinift S, Rosenbaum M, James PA.
Why hasn’t this patient been screened for colon cancer? An Iowa Research Network study.
J Am Board Fam Med. 2007 Sep-Oct;20(5):458-68.
Lin CL, Tawhai MH, McLennan G, Hoffman EA.
Characteristics of the turbulent laryngeal jet and its effect on airflow in the human intra-thoracic airways.
Respir Physiol Neurobiol. 2007 Feb 14;
Liu Y, Doucette WR, Farris KB.
Perceived difficulty and self-efficacy in the factor structure of perceived behavioral control to seek drug information from physicians and pharmacists.
Res Social Adm Pharm. 2007 Jun;3(2):145-59.
Liu Y, Nevins JC, Carruthers KM, Doucette WR, McDonough RP, Pan X.
Osteoporosis risk screening for women in a community pharmacy.
J Am Pharm Assoc (2003). 2007 Jul-Aug;47(4):521-6.
Malmstrom TK, Andresen EM, Wolinsky FD, Miller JP, Stamps K, Miller DK.
Mortality risk in older inner-city African Americans.
J Am Geriatr Soc. 2007 Jul;55(7):1049-55.
McNitt-Gray MF, Armato SG 3rd, Meyer CR, Reeves AP, McLennan G, Pais RC, Freymann J, Brown MS, Engelmann RM, Bland PH, Laderach GE, Piker C, Guo J, Towfic Z, Qing DP, Yankelevitz DF, Aberle DR, van Beek EJ, MacMahon H, Kazerooni EA, Croft BY, Clarke LP.
The Lung Image Database Consortium (LIDC) data collection process for nodule detection and annotation.
Acad Radiol. 2007 Dec;14(12):1464-74.
Melzer D, Frayling TM, Murray A, Hurst AJ, Harries LW, Song H, Khaw K, Luben R, Surtees PG, Bandinelli SS, Corsi AM, Ferrucci L, Guralnik JM, Wallace RB, Hattersley AT, Pharoah PD.
A common variant of the p16(INK4a) genetic region is associated with physical function in older people.
Mech Ageing Dev. 2007 May-Jun;128(5-6):370-7.
Metz SM, Wyrwich KW, Babu AN, Kroenke K, Tierney WM, Wolinsky FD.
Validity of patient-reported health-related quality of life global ratings of change using structural equation modeling.
Qual Life Res. 2007 Sep;16(7):1193-202.
Miller TR, Wolinsky FD.
Self-rated health trajectories and mortality among older adults.
J Gerontol B Psychol Sci Soc Sci. 2007 Jan;62(1):S22-7.
Naik H, Imming P, Schmidt MS, Murry DJ, Fleckenstein L.
Development and validation of a liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry assay for the determination of pyronaridine in human blood for application to clinical pharmacokinetic studies.
J Pharm Biomed Anal. 2007 Sep 21;45(1):112-9.
Namati E, De Ryk J, Thiesse J, Towfic Z, Hoffman E, Mclennan G.
Large image microscope array for the compilation of multimodality whole organ image databases.
Anat Rec (Hoboken). 2007 Nov;290(11):1377-87.
O’Leary DS, Block RI, Koeppel JA, Schultz SK, Magnotta VA, Ponto LB, Watkins GL, Hichwa RD.
Effects of smoking marijuana on focal attention and brain blood flow.
Hum Psychopharmacol. 2007 Apr;22(3):135-48.
Plassman BL, Langa KM, Fisher GG, Heeringa SG, Weir DR, Ofstedal MB, Burke JR, Hurd MD, Potter GG, Rodgers WL, Steffens DC, Willis RJ, Wallace RB.
Prevalence of dementia in the United States: the aging, demographics, and memory study.
Neuroepidemiology. 2007;29(1-2):125-32.
Popescu I, Vaughan-Sarrazin MS, Rosenthal GE.
Differences in mortality and use of revascularization in black and white patients with acute MI admitted to hospitals with and without revascularization services.
JAMA. 2007 Jun 13;297(22):2489-95.
Reed D, Titler MG, Dochterman JM, Shever LL, Kanak M, Picone DM.
Measuring the dose of nursing intervention.
Int J Nurs Terminol Classif. 2007 Oct-Dec;18(4):121-30. Review.
Reeves AP, Biancardi AM, Apanasovich TV, Meyer CR, MacMahon H, van Beek EJ, Kazerooni EA, Yankelevitz D, McNitt-Gray MF, McLennan G, Armato SG 3rd, Henschke CI, Aberle DR, Croft BY, Clarke LP.
The Lung Image Database Consortium (LIDC): a comparison of different size metrics for pulmonary nodule measurements.
Acad Radiol. 2007 Dec;14(12):1475-85.
Robinson JD, Cinciripini PM, Tiffany ST, Carter BL, Lam CY, Wetter DW.
Gender differences in affective response to acute nicotine administration and deprivation.
Addict Behav. 2007 Mar;32(3):543-61.
Robinson JG.
Simvastatin: present and future perspectives.
Expert Opin Pharmacother. 2007 Sep;8(13):2159-27. Review.
Robinson JG.
Update on PPAR agonists: The clinical significance of FIELD and PROACTIVE.
Curr Atheroscler Rep. 2007 Jan;9(1):64-71.
Robinson JG, Bakris G, Torner J, Stone NJ, Wallace R.
Is it time for a cardiovascular primary prevention trial in the elderly?
Stroke. 2007 Feb;38(2):441-50. Epub 2006 Dec 28. Review.
Robinson JG, Schrott H.
Statin Pleiotropy: A Popular Concept but Clinical Significance Unclear.
Cardiovasc Drugs Ther. 2007 Apr;21(2):81-3.
Rosenthal GE, Cram P.
Is weekend hospital admission associated with increased mortality in patients with acute myocardial infarction?
Nat Clin Pract Cardiovasc Med. 2007 Aug;4(8):412-3.
Sattar SP, Schultz SK, Arndt S, Soundy T, Petty F.
Long-term adjunctive quetiapine may reduce substance use–a preliminary retrospective study.
S D Med. 2007 Nov;60(11):437, 439-41, 443 passim.
Schootman M, Andresen EM, Wolinsky FD, Malmstrom TK, Miller JP, Miller DK.
Neighbourhood environment and the incidence of depressive symptoms among middle-aged African Americans.
J Epidemiol Community Health. 2007 Jun;61(6):527-32.
Schootman M, Andresen EM, Wolinsky FD, Malmstrom TK, Miller JP, Yan Y, Miller DK.
The effect of adverse housing and neighborhood conditions on the development of diabetes mellitus among middle-aged African Americans.
Am J Epidemiol. 2007 Aug 15;166(4):379-87.
Schultz SK.
Depression in the older adult: the challenge of medical comorbidity.
Am J Psychiatry. 2007 Jun;164(6):847-8.
Segal NA, Felson DT, Torner JC, Zhu Y, Curtis JR, Niu J, Nevitt MC; Multicenter Osteoarthritis Study Group.
Greater trochanteric pain syndrome: epidemiology and associated factors.
Arch Phys Med Rehabil. 2007 Aug;88(8):988-92.
Steinman MA, Rosenthal GE, Landefeld CS, Bertenthal D, Sen S, Kaboli PJ.
Conflicts and concordance between measures of medication prescribing quality.
Med Care. 2007 Jan;45(1):95-9.
Strange C, Herth FJ, Kovitz KL, McLennan G, Ernst A, Goldin J, Noppen M, Criner GJ, Sciurba FC; VENT Study Group.
Design of the Endobronchial Valve for Emphysema Palliation Trial (VENT): a non-surgical method of lung volume reduction.
BMC Pulm Med. 2007 Jul 3;7:10.
Thompson PA, Murry DJ, Rosner GL, Lunagomez S, Blaney SM, Berg SL, Camitta BM, Dreyer ZE, Bomgaars LR.
Methotrexate pharmacokinetics in infants with acute lymphoblastic leukemia.
Cancer Chemother Pharmacol. 2007 May;59(6):847-53.
Tiesman H, Young T, Torner JC, McMahon M, Peek-Asa C, Fiedler J.
Effects of a rural trauma system on traumatic brain injuries.
J Neurotrauma. 2007 Jul;24(7):1189-97.
Titler MG, Everett LQ, Adams S.
Implications for implementation science.
Nurs Res. 2007 Jul-Aug;56(4 Suppl):S53-9. Review.
Unverzagt FW, Kasten L, Johnson KE, Rebok GW, Marsiske M, Koepke KM, Elias JW, Morris JN, Willis SL, Ball K, Rexroth DF, Smith DM, Wolinsky FD, Tennstedt SL.
Effect of memory impairment on training outcomes in ACTIVE.
J Int Neuropsychol Soc. 2007 Nov;13(6):953-60.
Urmie JM, Farris KB, Herbert KE.
Pharmacy students’ knowledge of the Medicare drug benefit and intention to provide Medicare medication therapy management services.
Am J Pharm Educ. 2007 Jun 15;71(3):41.
Vaughan-Sarrazin MS, Wakefield B, Rosenthal GE.
Mortality of Department of Veterans Affairs patients admitted to private sector hospitals for 5 common medical conditions.
Am J Med Qual. 2007 May-Jun;22(3):186-97.
Vaughan-Sarrazin MS, Wakefield B, Rosenthal GE.
Mortality of Department of Veterans Affairs patients undergoing coronary revascularization in private sector hospitals.
Health Serv Res. 2007 Oct;42(5):1802-21.
Von Muenster SJ, Carter BL, Weber CA, Ernst ME, Milchak JL, Steffensmeier JJ, Xu Y.
Description of pharmacist interventions during physician-pharmacist co-management of hypertension.
Pharm World Sci. 2007 Aug 21;
Wakefield BJ, Tripp-Reimer T, Rosenbaum ME, Rosenthal GE.
Veterans’ use of Department of Veterans Affairs care and perceptions of outsourcing inpatient care.
Mil Med. 2007 Jun;172(6):565-71.
Welke KF, Peterson ED, Vaughan-Sarrazin MS, O’Brien SM, Rosenthal GE, Shook GJ, Dokholyan RS, Haan CK, Ferguson TB Jr.
Comparison of cardiac surgery volumes and mortality rates between the Society of Thoracic Surgeons and Medicare databases from 1993 through 2001.
Ann Thorac Surg. 2007 Nov;84(5):1538-46.
Wilson RT, Wallace RB.
Trends in hip fracture incidence in young and older adults.
Am J Public Health. 2007 Oct;97(10):1734-5.
Wolinsky FD, An H, Liu L, Miller TR, Rosenthal GE.
Exploring the association of dual use of the VHA and Medicare with mortality: separating the contributions of inpatient and outpatient services.
BMC Health Serv Res. 2007 May 9;7:70.
Wolinsky FD, Liu L, Miller TR, Geweke JF, Cook EA, Greene BR, Wright KB, Chrischilles EA, Pavlik CE, An H, Ohsfeldt RL, Richardson KK, Rosenthal GE, Wallace RB.
The use of chiropractors by older adults in the United States.
Chiropr Osteopat. 2007 Sep 6;15:12.
Wolinsky FD, Miller DK, Andresen EM, Malmstrom TK, Miller JP, Miller TR.
Effect of subclinical status in functional limitation and disability on adverse health outcomes 3 years later.
J Gerontol A Biol Sci Med Sci. 2007 Jan;62(1):101-6.
Wolinsky FD, Miller TR, Geweke JF, Chrischilles EA, An H, Wallace RB, Pavlik CE, Wright KB, Ohsfeldt RL, Rosenthal GE.
An interpersonal continuity of care measure for Medicare Part B claims analyses.
J Gerontol B Psychol Sci Soc Sci. 2007 May;62(3):S160-8.
Wolinsky FD, Miller TR, Malmstrom TK, Miller JP, Schootman M, Andresen EM, Miller DK.
Four-year lower extremity disability trajectories among African American men and women.
J Gerontol A Biol Sci Med Sci. 2007 May;62(5):525-30.
Wyrwich KW, Metz SM, Kroenke K, Tierney WM, Babu AN, Wolinsky FD.
Measuring patient and clinician perspectives to evaluate change in health-related quality of life among patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.
J Gen Intern Med. 2007 Feb;22(2):161-70.
Wyrwich KW, Metz SM, Kroenke K, Tierney WM, Babu AN, Wolinsky FD.
Triangulating patient and clinician perspectives on clinically important differences in health-related quality of life among patients with heart disease.
Health Serv Res. 2007 Dec;42(6 Pt 1):2257-74; discussion 2294-323.
Xu Y, Jagtap MR, Garland T, Ying J, McGarry RC, Mendonca MS, McLennan G.
Iododeoxyuridine uptake in proliferating smooth muscle cells in vitro.
J Vasc Interv Radiol. 2007 Jan;18(1 Pt 1):73-8.
Zimmerman DL, Fang X, Mazumdar S, Rushton G.
Modeling the probability distribution of positional errors incurred by residential address geocoding.
Int J Health Geogr. 2007 Jan 10;6:1.