About the Alumni Mentorship Program

The UI College of Public Health graduate alumni-student mentorship program, provides an opportunity for graduate students and graduate alumni to engage in mutually rewarding relationships focused on student academic and professional goals.

Through this program, mentors can provide guidance and support to CPH graduate students by exchanging ideas, and sharing their experiences and knowledge of career paths. Mentors serve as role models and leaders as they help students strive for their career goals.

The mentoring program accepts all interested CPH graduate alumni who are currently working in the field of public health.

Who should participate

Graduate alumni who wish to. . .

  • Share your real-world experiences and professional wisdom with the next generation of public health leaders.
  • Broaden your leadership and mentoring skills.
  • Develop networking and collaboration opportunities.
  • Give back to your alma mater (even if you live far away from Iowa City).

Incoming and current CPH graduate students who…

  • Want to learn about career paths of successful alumni
  • Improve leadership and management skills
  • Stay informed about the latest trends in the industry
  • Establish connections with CPH alumni


Dates Deadline
Sept. 30, 2024Alumni mentor applications due
Sept. 30, 2024Student mentee applications due
Oct. 14, 2024Match notifications and program begins
May 1, 2025Program concludes

Mentorship Handbook

For a complete overview of the mentorship program download the Mentorship Handbook.