From time to time you may wish to back up your web browser bookmarks to prevent their loss in the case of a computer failure. These instructions will help you do so.
Internet Explorer
1. Open Internet Explorer. Go to File on the top menu bar and choose Import and Export.
2. The Import/Export Wizard will open up. Click Next.
3. Under Choose an action to perform, select Export Favorites.
4. Select which favorites you wish to back up. Click Next.
5. Under Export to a File or Address, select Browse.
6. Select the location in which you wish to save your favorites. In most cases you will want to save this file to your H: drive as that is backed up nightly and won't be affected by a common computer failure.
7. Under File name, type a name such as favorites.html- just make sure you save it as an .html file.
8. Click Next.
9. You have successfully exported your favorites. Click Finish and OK in the Successfully exported favorites window.
1. Open Firefox, and click the large Firefox button in the top left hand corner and then click Bookmarks -> Show all bookmarks (or the Bookmarks menu -> Show all bookmarks if that is available.)
2. In this new window, click Import and Backup.. and Export Bookmarks to HTML. you will be given a save window. Select a file name, and a location (preferably your H: drive) and click Save.
3. When this is done your bookmarks are now backed up and can be restored to Firefox if necessary.