Lexi Pratt, Seamus Taylor named This Is Public Health Ambassadors
Published on May 18, 2018
Congratulations to Lexi Pratt, MS student in industrial hygiene, and Seamus Taylor, MPH student in health management and policy, for being named Association of Schools and Programs of Public Health (ASPPH) This Is Public Health Ambassadors!
Thirty-five new students are joining the Ambassador program, representing the This Is Public Health brand and 23 ASPPH member institutions. Throughout the year, Ambassadors participate in a series of public health outreach events along with professional development activities.
Join the new ambassadors on Twitter, Wednesday, June 6 from 12:30 -1:30 p.m. eastern for the latest #TIPHChat. This Twitter Chat will feature an introduction to the new ambassadors, their backgrounds, and interests in public health. Submit your questions in advance and RSVP to join the discussion. Follow along using #TIPHChat.