Selected Iowa Summer Institute in Biostatistics Alumni

A portrait of Keyla Pagan-Rivera of the University of Iowa College of Public Health.

Keyla Pagán-Rivera
ISIB, 2009
PhD 2017, University of Iowa, Department of Biostatistics
Current employment: Research Staff Member at the Institute for Defense Analyses

Marina Antillon-ISIB

Marina Antillon
ISIB 2008
PhD 2017, Epidemiology, Yale University

Current Employment: Disease modeler and health economist, Swiss Tropical and Public Health Institute

Marie Ozanne

Marie V. Ozanne
ISIB, 2010
PhD 2019, University of Iowa, Department of Biostatistics
Current employment: Biostatistician, Rho

Eric Kawagushi-ISIB

Eric Kawaguchi
ISIB 2012
PhD 2019, University of California-Los Angeles, Department of Biostatistics
Current employment: Assistant Professor of Clinical Population and Public Health Sciences, University of Southern California

A portrait of Javier Flores of the Department of Biostatistics in the College of Public Health at the University of Iowa.

Javier E. Flores
ISIB 2014
PhD 2021, University of Iowa Department of Biostatistics
Current employment:  Data Scientist, Pacific Northwest National Labs

Portrait of David-Erick Lafontant of the Department of Biostatistics at the University of Iowa College of Public Health

David-Erick Lafontant
ISIB 2010
PhD 2024, University of Iowa Department of Biostatistics
Current employment: Clinical Assistant Professor, Department of Biostatistics, University of Iowa

Dayanara Lebron-ISIB

Dayanara Lebrón-Aldea
ISIB 2012
MS 2018, University of California-Davis, Department of Statistics
Current employment: Senior Bioinformatician, Eclipse Bioinnovations

Nisha Khilnani
ISIB 2012
MS 2016, Statistics, Columbia University

Current Employment:  Assistant Vice President, Consumer Analytics, Synchrony Financial

Michelle Londe

Michelle Londe
ISIB 2015
MS 2018, Statistical Science, University of Idaho

Current Employment:  Senior Analyst, Second Harvest Heartland

Jorrge Leon

Jorge T. León-Cruz
ISIB 2011
MS 2014, University of Iowa, Department of Biostatistics

Current Employment: Biostatistician II, Center for Biostatistics in AIDS Research (CBAR),  Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health

Ben Jacobs

Benjamin L. Jacobs
ISIB, 2016
MS 2019, Statistics, University of Iowa

Current Employment: PhD student in Statistics, Iowa State University