MPH Program Student Handbook 2024-25

MPH Overview

The Master of Public Health (MPH) degree, is a professional, practice-based degree. The MPH is required by statute for public health professionals working in certain classifications in many jurisdictions, and it is the oldest degree specifically identified with public health education.

The University of Iowa MPH program builds on the idea that public health professionals should have a basic understanding of the breadth of public health, as well as training in a specified area of public health to enhance the educational experience. To achieve this goal, all students are required to enroll in a set of core courses and to identify a specific area of public health in which they would like to specialize.

MPH Foundational Competencies

The MPH program program is designed to asses the MPH Foundational Competencies developed by the Council on Education for Public Health (CEPH). These competencies are informed by the traditional public health core knowledge areas (biostatistics, epidemiology, social and behavioral sciences, health services administration and environmental health sciences) as well as cross-cutting and emerging public health areas.

MPH Competencies

MPH Curriculum

The MPH curriculum consists of a minimum of 42 semester hours and is generally completed in two academic years – although part-time options do exist. All students take 18 semester hours of core public health course work. Those courses include:

  • CPH:5100 Introduction to Public Health
  • BIOS:4120 Introduction to Biostatistics
  • CBH:4105 Introduction to Health Promotion and Disease Prevention
  • EPID:4400 Epidemiology I: Principles
  • HMP:4000 Introduction to U.S. Health Care Systems
  • OEH:4240 Global Environmental Health

In addition to the 6 core classes, all MPH students are required to complete:

  • CPH:7800 MPH Practicum

The exact number of required credit hours and elective options are dependent on the program of study chosen by the student. Students choose from the following departmental programs of study.

Departmental Programs of Study

Some students choose to pursue an MPH degree in tandem with another professional degree (e.g., law, medicine, pharmacy, veterinary medicine), with additional course work and training in public health.

Non-Departmental, Combined Degree Programs of Study





In addition, individuals can complete the MPH following health-related professional training.

Professional Programs of Study

MPH for Professionals

Undergraduate to Graduate Programs

Undergraduates at the University of Iowa, Grinnell College, Cornell College, Coe College, and Luther College have the ability to complete their undergraduate degree and the Master of Public Health degree in 5 years.

Undergrad to Grad

College of Public Health Building (CPHB)

The College of Public Health (CPH) celebrated the dedication of its new building on April 20, 2012 and Spring 2012 classes began meeting in the new location. The building features numerous classrooms, meeting rooms, study areas, and gathering areas. The University of Iowa earned Platinum certification within the Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) Green Building Rating System.

Graduate College Rules and Regulations

The MPH program is a part of the UI Graduate College, and therefore adheres to the Graduate College rules and regulations. Students in the MPH program are expected to familiarize themselves with the Graduate College manual. In addition to the University-wide requirements established by the Graduate College, departments/programs may establish further requirements which then determine the individual student’s standing with regard to probation and dismissal. MPH specific policies regarding academic standing are provided below.

Master of Public Health Policies

Academic Standing

Students must earn ≥ B- (2.67) on each of the six MPH core courses and must earn ≥ 3.0 cumulative grade-point-average (GPA) on the six MPH core courses. When necessary, a student may repeat a course. Only the highest grade will be calculated in the required MPH Program core course GPA.  Both grades will be calculated in your graduate cumulative GPA.

While pursuing a degree, collegiate students are expected to maintain a 3.00 or better GPA. A student will be placed on academic probation by the Graduate College if after 8 semester hours of graduate work, the student’s cumulative GPA on graduate work completed at the University of Iowa falls below 2.75. If after completing at least 8 additional semester hours of graduate credit the student’s GPA remains below 2.75, the student will be denied permission to re-register. If after completing the additional 8 hours of course work the GPA is at least 2.75, the student is returned to good standing. However the student must reach a cumulative GPA of 3.00 or above to be eligible for MPH degree conferral.

Reasonable Progress

Students must demonstrate reasonable progress in earning the MPH degree. Students having two or more grades of incomplete may be blocked from registering for the next semester. Students who wish to extend the time to degree completion by taking additional courses that are outside the degree requirements or who register for additional coursework after degree requirements are complete need to request permission from the Associate Dean of Academic Affairs. In addition, students need to file for graduation within one semester of completing MPH requirements.

Incomplete Grades

In addition to the Graduate College policy found in the Graduate College manual (section VI, D), students having multiple incomplete grades will need permission from the Associate Dean for Academic Affairs to register for the next semester.

Standards of Academic and Professional Conduct

The faculty members of the College of Public Health expect the conduct of students registered or taking courses in the College to be consistent with that of a working professional. Courtesy, honesty, and respect should be shown by students toward faculty, guest lecturers, administrative support staff, and fellow students. Similarly, students should expect faculty to treat them fairly, showing respect for their ideas and opinions, and striving to help them maximize their experience in the program. Failure to act professionally could result in course failure or dismissal from the program.

CPH Procedures for Responding to and Addressing Unethical Conduct and Violations of the Graduate College and Iowa Code of Student Life

The University of Iowa Code of Student Life, published each year as an insert to The Daily Iowan, governs student non-academic conduct (including graduate students).

The Graduate College Manual of Rules and Regulations governs student academic conduct.

Research misconduct, such as the fabrication or falsification of data and plagiarism, is defined by the US Health and Human Services (HHS) Office of Research Integrity (definition of misconduct). Egregious acts of research misconduct may also result in additional action by the University of Iowa as stated in section 27.6, Ethics in Research, of the University’s Operations Manual.

Graduate students in MPH Program are expected to adhere to all sets of policy guidelines. Students may be sanctioned or dis missed from their program in the event of policy violations.

Please contact the CPH Assistant Dean for Student Services or your Graduate Program Coordinator for further information about these policies.

Academic Integrity

Integrity is a core value of the University of Iowa and the College of Public Health. At the University of Iowa, we hold ourselves to the highest standard of professional and scholarly ethics, are accountable for our decisions and actions, exercise responsible stewardship of the resources with which we are entrusted, and treat one another with honesty and fairness. Academic integrity embodies the principles of honesty, fairness, responsibility, and respect, forming the foundation of ethical scholarship and intellectual growth. Upholding academic integrity is not only essential for maintaining the credibility and integrity of the academic community but also for nurturing individuals who contribute positively to society through their knowledge, skills, and ethical conduct. Academic misconduct undermines the efforts and achievements of other students, erodes the trust and credibility that society places in educational institutions, and can have long-lasting consequences for the individuals involved, especially in post-graduate careers.

Academic integrity is a teaching and learning issue, and our policies and procedures are written in that spirit. Academic misconduct can involve many gray areas. The ways that students are allowed to work with other classmates or utilize additional resources can differ between courses which can lead to confusion. Instructors are responsible for making expectations regarding academic integrity and academic misconduct clear and explicit to students in the course syllabus, assignment instructions, and exam instructions. Students are responsible for actively seeking clarification from their course instructors if they are uncertain about whether a situation might involve academic misconduct.

Academic Misconduct Reporting Procedures, Sanctions, and Appeals

Reporting Academic Misconduct

Each UI college tracks offenses on a shared database (Maxient), with academic misconduct reports thus shared across UI colleges and with more severe consequences for repeat violations.

Incidents of academic misconduct will be investigated and reported in a manner that ensures due process and fairness.

  • Instructors: Instructors are required to report incidents of academic misconduct by filing a violation report and notifying the accused student in writing. Instructors should contact the Assistant Dean of Student Services for access to the reporting form.
  • Students: a student who witnesses an incident of academic misconduct is expected to report the violation to the course instructor. During any investigation, the reporting student may be asked for additional information. The confidentiality of the reporting student will be protected to the greatest extent possible; however, confidentiality cannot be guaranteed in all cases.

Reports of academic misconduct are shared with the Graduate College, the Assistant Dean of Student Services in the College of Public Health, the Associate Dean for Academic Affairs in the College of Public Health, as well as the Director of Graduate Studies and Departmental Executive Officer (DEO, Department Chair) in the student’s home department. Academic misconduct records stored in Maxient are not transferred to the student record in MAUI. However, depending on the result of a case (e.g., dismissal/expulsion), a dean’s level note acknowledging academic misconduct as the reason for dismissal/expulsion may be added to the student’s MAUI advising notes. Access to dean’s level MAUI advising notes is highly restricted and campus advisors (e.g., DGS, DEO, Graduate Program Coordinator, faculty advisors) do not have access to these notes. Notes associated with academic misconduct are not recorded on the student’s transcript. Records of academic misconduct violation(s) will be kept for seven years or until the student graduates, whichever comes first.

Academic Misconduct Procedures and Sanctions

In the event that academic misconduct is suspected, the following procedures will be followed:

Course-Level Procedures

  • An instructor who suspects a student of an incident of academic misconduct will investigate whether the suspected misconduct has, in fact, occurred.
  • Instructors who intend to report a student for misconduct should inform the student about their concerns. The instructor will make reasonable attempts to arrange a meeting with the student as soon as is feasible with the student to clarify the situation and to discuss specifics of the incident. The student should be provided the opportunity to respond to the allegation. If the student does not respond or chooses not to meet with the instructor, the instructor should proceed with sanctioning the student (see below) and reporting the incident. 
  • If the meeting between the instructor and the student ultimately results in no sanction (e.g., grade reduction) because the allegation of academic misconduct is not supported, then the process will be considered completed. No additional reporting will be required, nor will there be any information related to the situation entered into the student’s record.
  • If after meeting with the student the instructor determines that the allegation of academic misconduct is founded, then the instructor will make a decision regarding whether or not a sanction (e.g., grade reduction) will be applied and report the allegation by filing a violation report.
    • If the instructor decides not to apply a grade sanction (e.g., issues a warning or provides the student with learning opportunities to address any misunderstandings of academic misconduct), the incident must still be reported.
    • Examples of Course-level Sanctions. In the case of academic misconduct that is related to a course, the instructor will determine the appropriate sanction. Sanctions may include but are not limited to:
      • Failing the assignment or assigning a lower grade than otherwise would have been given for the assignment
      • Requesting a revision of the work in question and accepting the revision for grade assignment
    • Failing a student for the course (must only be considered in consultation with the departmental/programmatic administrative home for the course)

Instructors are responsible for making expectations regarding academic integrity and academic misconduct clear and explicit to students in the course syllabus, assignment instructions, and exam instructions.

  • The Assistant Dean of Student Services in the College of Public Health will notify the student of any violation report received and the right of the student to request an appeal hearing for review of the case.
  • The student may:
    • Accept responsibility and the instructor’s sanction.
    • Accept responsibility but appeal the instructor’s sanction. Reasons could include inequitable enforcement of the sanction, the sanction is too severe, or the sanction is out of alignment with stated policy in the syllabus.
    • Deny responsibility for the violation and appeal the instructor’s sanction.
Student Appeals of the Course-Level Sanctions
  • If the student has any questions about the appeals process, then they should contact the Assistant Dean for Student Services in the College of Public Health or their Graduate Program Coordinator. Contact information for the Assistant Dean will be provided in the notification letter.  The student may also choose to discuss their situation confidentially with a representative of the Office of the Ombudsperson.
  • Appeals must be in writing to the DEO (Department Chair) of the department in which the course is offered within 30 calendar days of written notification of the instructor’s finding. An email to the DEO is sufficient.
  • The DEO will review the case and submit a decision letter to the student and to the Assistant Dean for Student Services in the College of Public Health.
  • If the student is not satisfied with the DEO’s decision, the student may then request a review by the Associate Dean for Academic Affairs (ADAA) in the College of Public Health. The request must be written within 30 calendar days of receiving the DEO’s finding. An email to the ADAA is sufficient.
  • The ADAA will review the case and submit a decision letter to the student and to the Assistant Dean for Student Services in the College of Public Health.
  • If the student is not satisfied with prior decisions, then the student has the right to appeal to the Associate Dean for Academic Affairs of the Graduate College, followed by the Office of the Provost, and finally up to the Iowa Board of Regents.
  • Copies of the final determination document will be given to the student, kept by the department, and also given to the Assistant Dean for Student Services to be stored in the Maxient system.
  • When a conflict of interest in the chain of appeals is identified (e.g., the DEO or ADAA is also the student’s instructor, advisor, or supervisor), then an appropriate substitute to hear the appeal will be made.
Program Procedures

In the event that academic misconduct is founded, the student’s home department/program will make a determination as to whether or not additional sanctions will be applied by the department/program. MPH students enrolled within a departmental MPH Concentration (e.g., Biostatistics, Community and Behavioral Health, Epidemiology, Health Policy, and Occupational and Environmental Health) should follow the procedures established in their departmental graduate student handbook. The MPH Program has established the following procedures for MPH students in combined degree programs, the Professional (General) concentration, and the Veterinary::

  • Following a report of academic misconduct, the Associate Dean for Academic Affairs (ADAA) in the College of Public Health will review the case and all available evidence. A meeting will be convened to allow the student an opportunity to discuss the alleged misconduct. After the ADAA has reviewed the case, the committee may assign the student additional sanctions (see below for examples) based on the severity of the offense and the number of previous offenses by the student reported to the department.
  • Examples of Program Sanctions. Academic misconduct can involve many gray areas and borderline situations. In these cases, the program might combine or change the sanctions listed below so that they better fit the situation. At the program’s discretion, egregious acts of misconduct may lead to more severe sanctions than suggested below even for a student’s first or second report of misconduct.
  • For first report – The student receives a warning letter in which they are notified of the consequences of any additional offenses related to academic misconduct. The student is required to meet with the Associate Dean for Academic Affairs (ADAA) in the College of Public Health to discuss the alleged violation(s) and departmental expectations regarding academic integrity. A summary of the violation report will be provided to the student. During the meeting, the ADAA will review the sanction imposed by the instructor, review program sanctions, and review the appeal process and the deadline to appeal.
  • For second report – The program may require the student to enroll in a non-credit academic integrity seminar. The seminar is completed online, and most students complete the assigned readings and assignments in about 5-15 hours. The student will be charged a course fee of between $100 and $200. 
  • For additional reports – In addition to any penalties listed above, the program may dismiss the student from the MPH program or recommend expulsion from the University. Decisions to dismiss a student from the MPH program or expel the student from the University are made in consultation with the Associate Dean for Academic Affairs of the Graduate College. Dismissal from the program may not automatically dismiss a student from the Graduate College.

Students who fail to complete any of the assigned sanctions may be restricted from course registration in future semesters. Degree conferral may be held for students in their final semester of enrollment until they complete their assigned sanctions.

Student Appeals of Program Sanctions

  • If the student has any questions about the appeals process, then they should contact the Assistant Dean for Student Services in the College of Public Health or their Graduate Program Coordinator. The student may also choose to discuss their situation confidentially with a representative of the Office of the Ombudsperson.
  • Appeals must be in writing to the Dean[CML1]  in the College of Public Health within 30 calendar days of written notification of the department’s finding. An email to the ADAA is sufficient.
  • The Dean will review the case and submit a decision letter to the student and to the Assistant Dean for Student Services in the College of Public Health.
  • If the student is not satisfied with the Dean’s decision, then the student has the right to appeal to the Associate Dean for Academic Affairs of the Graduate College, followed by the Office of the Provost, and finally up to the Iowa Board of Regents.
  • Copies of the final determination document will be given to the student, kept by the department, and also given to the Assistant Dean for Student Services to be stored in the Maxient system.

When a conflict of interest in the chain of appeals is identified (e.g., the Dean is also the student’s advisor or supervisor), then an appropriate substitute to hear the appeal will be made.


You will be assigned an academic advisor to guide you in selecting courses that will both satisfy the requirements to earn your degree and provide the foundation for your professional interests. The selection of the advisor is made based on shared interests, workload, and knowledge of the academic program in which you are enrolled. You are responsible for contacting the advisor at the beginning of each semester to discuss your course selection and progress.

What your academic advisor can do for you: provide information about various fields of study related to your interests, provide information about research and service opportunities, help you identify appropriate courses for your Plan of Study, provide advice if you have academic difficulty, and write letters of reference for you if you have made an effort to develop a relationship with your advisor.

If you wish to change advisors, you must initiate the change by discussing the possibility with the newly selected faculty member. Upon approval by the new faculty member, you must then notify the prior advisor and the graduate coordinator.

Changing Degree, Major, Plan of Study, or Status

Students already accepted to the MPH program must request a status change and undergo review by the appropriate department and admissions committee when they wish to change:

  1. Degree objective/major (e.g., MS to MPH)
  2. Program of study within the MPH degree (e.g., Community and Behavioral Health to Epidemiology)

The review follows the same procedures and processes as the initial application; minimally, a new Statement of Purpose is required. Students requesting a change in degree objective must also initiate a Request for Change of Graduate College Status (please see your graduate coordinator to make this request).

MPH Practicum

All MPH students are required to complete a 200-hour minimum Practicum course (CPH:7800) that includes a paper and presentation. Specific information about the practicum, including a syllabus and the necessary forms, is available on ICON. Students must complete all core courses prior to beginning the Practicum. Human subjects approval might also be needed for a practicum involving data collection. Students must complete all core courses prior to enrollment in CPH:7800.

Grading System

Generally, faculty in the College of Public Health use the letter grades A, B, C, D, and F, with some instructors opting to use plus/minus grading. Students should review the course syllabus at the beginning of each semester to determine if the option will be used.

S/U Grades

In registering for Special Topics courses, the MPH Applied Practice Experience, or Independent Study, the S/U grade may be applied. Neither the S nor the U is used in computing G.P.A. Grades of S and U may be used for courses taken by a student outside the major department or interdepartmental degree program, if the instructor of the course and the student’s departmental advisor approve the registration. Arrangements for S/U grading in these courses are accomplished by filing a form with appropriate signatures in the Registrar’s Office at the time of registration, or no later than the last day of the third week of a semester, or the third day of the second week of a summer session. No changes from letter grades to S/U grades (or vice versa) will be allowed after these dates.


Students who audit a course will receive either an “R” for registered (no credit), meaning you have met the expectations of the course instructor, or “W” for withdrawn, meaning the expectations of the course instructor have not been met. Students who audit courses pay for a minimum of two semester hours (2 s.h.) of tuition. If a course is offered for a set number of hours (for example, 3 s.h. with no options), tuition is assessed at the rate of the number of semester hours for which the course is offered. For example, if a course is listed for three semester hours (3 s.h.) and you register for zero semester hours (0 s.h.), assessment will be for 3 semester hours. A minimum of two semester hours (2 s.h.) will be charged for any audited course.

Incomplete (I)

The grade of Incomplete (“I”) is to be used only when a student’s work during a session cannot be completed because of illness, accident, or other circumstances beyond the student’s control. Removal of an incomplete grade is accomplished only through the completion of the specific work for which the mark is given and submission of a replacement grade by the course instructor. Students who receive the mark of “I” must remove that mark within the first session of registration after the closing date of the session for which it is given; failure to do so results in a grade of “F.” Specific deadlines for submission of student work to the faculty and for the faculty’s report on the “I” grades to the Registrar’s Office, will be set by the Graduate College Dean for each session and printed in the academic calendar.

MPH Plan of Study

All MPH students are required to work with their advisor to create a MyPlan. A sample plan is available in MyUI and should be used as a template to create your MyPlan. The MyPlan should be reviewed and updated each semester as you register for classes.

Change in Plan of Study

Changes to your plan of study must be made in consultation with your faculty advisor. Changes should be reflected on your MyPlan prior to registration.

Transfer Credits

Students may request that up to 18 semester hours be transferred. Criteria for approval of transfer courses are:

  • Content is relevant to the degree program (either “core” or “elective” courses can be transferred)
  • Content is comparable in quality to that offered by the College (if the content of the transferred course(s) is not known to Collegiate faculty, the burden of proof of comparability is on the student –i.e., to provide a full course syllabus, a copy of a final exam, or other similar evidence as requested)
  • Course was taken when the student held graduate student status
  • Student received a grade equivalent to a “C-” or better, or a “B-“or better in core curriculum requirements. Coursework graded “Pass” may be accepted if approved by advisor and the department head,.
  • Courses may not be more than 10 years old at the time of graduation from the MPH program
  • To inquire about transferring credits, contact your departmental coordinator.

Transfer credits from other colleges and universities are also evaluated by the Graduate Admissions Office. Students seeking graduate transfer credit hours must furnish official transcripts to the Office of Admissions, 107 Calvin Hall, Iowa City, IA 52242. The College of Public Health reviews and approves transfer credit hours from other institutions after they are certified for eligibility by the Office of Graduate Admissions. The general policy on the minimum number of hours needed to earn the MPH degree is that at least 24 hours of course work must be completed at the University of Iowa in the Graduate College after the student has been admitted to the MPH program.

Waiver of Course

Students may request that a required course be waived. A waiver means that the student is not required to enroll in the course, but the student also does not receive hours counted towards graduation for the course. Waivers will be based on course content and grade earned and acceptance is at the discretion of the faculty, the MPH Program, and the Graduate College. To inquire about waiving credits, contact your departmental program coordinator.



To be eligible to register you must:

  • Be admitted to the University of Iowa
  • Be in good academic standing, as defined above under “Academic Standing”
  • Be free of holds on your record. Holds may exist because of failure to meet academic, admission, student health, or student services requirements. A hold from Student Services, Student Health, Registrar, Admissions, English as a Second Language, and Office of International Students and Scholars will prevent early registration. Graduate students with holds from other offices will be allowed to register early, but the registration may be voided if the deficiency has not been cleared by the first day of classes in the semester to which it applies.
  • Have a valid record of immunization on file with Student Health
  • Be free of all debt to the University of Iowa

Maximum Course Load

UI Masters students are limited to enrolling for a maximum of 15 semester hours of course work each fall and spring session, and up to 8 hours in the summer session. However, with special permission from the student’s faculty advisor, MPH students may register for up to 18 graduate hours per semester in the fall and spring semesters, or 9 hours during the standard 8-week summer session, 6 hours during the standard 6-week summer session, or 3 hours during the standard 3-week summer session. MPH students enrolled during the off-cycle summer session may register for a maximum of 8 credit hours.

A student may register at any time during the semester or the 8-week session for not more than one (1) semester hour of credit for each of the remaining weeks of classes (not including the examination week) in the term. Total registration may not exceed the limits described above. This registration is intended only for individually arranged courses such as independent study, special topics, or research; it does not include the MPH Practicum.

Full-time/Part-time Enrollment

Nine semester hours (9 s.h.) is considered full-time enrollment during the fall and spring semesters; five semester hours (5 s.h.) is considered part-time enrollment. During the summer session, five semester hours (5 s.h.) is considered full-time enrollment; three semester hours (3 s.h.) is considered part-time enrollment.

Auditing Courses

Upon the recommendation of the instructor and the advisor, the Dean of the Graduate College may grant a student permission to audit any course for zero credit.

Registration Procedure

To register for classes, you will need to obtain registration authorization from your faculty advisor or graduate coordinator each semester. You can register at or after the time assigned to you by the University. On-line computer registration information is provided on MyUI.

Special Permission Required

Some courses have a special permission requirement. If you register for a course marked “Special Permission Required,” you must obtain special permission from the instructor or designated individual (typically the graduate coordinator) in the department who is offering the course. The methods of granting special permission may vary between departments and are usually listed in the course listing.

Changing Your Registration

Students must initiate changes in registration; it is the student’s responsibility to see that they are properly registered. Changes to a student’s registration may be initiated by individual departments and the Office of the Dean for justifiable reasons. A change in your registration becomes effective on the date information is entered into the registration system, either at the Registration Center or ITCs. For important dates related to registration, see “Significant Deadline Dates” on the Registrar’s website.

Note that any deviation from an approved MyPlan requires permission from your advisor or graduate coordinator.

Dropping/Adding Classes

Students can initiate a drop in MyUI. You will get messages about possible implications, and will be told what permissions you will need to drop. Since each course/department is different, please pay attention to these instructions. Alternatively, advisors and graduate coordinators can initiate the drop/grant permission (in one step) on behalf of a student- please reach out to your program coordinator for information.

Withdrawal of Total Registration

The Registrar’s web page lists the final date by which registration may be dropped. Students withdrawing their entire registration are required to do so in person at the Registrar’s Office, or via phone. In addition, students must communicate this to their graduate coordinator. Students who have not been registered for one year or longer are required to complete an Application for Readmission to a Graduate Program prior to being able to register.

Tuition Assessment

Information on the regulations governing the classification of residents and nonresidents for admissions and fee purposes, and copies of the administrative guidelines established to aid in the determination of resident classifications, is available at the Registrar’s Office at 1 Jessup Hall, or on-line.

Enrolled graduate students who hold a research assistantship appointment of one quarter-time or above are assessed as residents for fee purposes for the terms during which they hold the appointment and for any adjacent summer session during which they are registered. Spouses of persons holding a graduate research or teaching assistant position also qualify for resident tuition. Information on the University’s residency evaluation is available on the Registrar’s web page.

Tuition for distance education classes (e.g. web-based) through Distance and Online Education Programs is not billed with on-campus courses. Consequently, the standard operating rule that tuition for course work in excess of 9 s.h. is free does not apply when students have mixed modes of course work in a semester. There are also different fees associated with distance courses that could result in variable tuition assessments.

Financial Aid

Office for Student Financial Aid

Scholarships and Awards

MPH Students can apply for a variety of scholarships:


MPH students can be nominated for a variety of scholarships including:

  • MPH scholarships – an annual tuition award; students are nominated by their department or the MPH Program. Students must have completed a minimum of 9 semester hours to be nominated for this award.
  • Graduate College funding

Professional Development

MPH students are encouraged to seek out professional development opportunities. Funding is available for students traveling to Public Health professional meetings, including APHA and IPHA conferences.

A request for Financial Support for Professional Development form must be filled out and turned in at least 30 days prior to the meeting. Form can be found here.

Students are expected to attend Professional Development offered by the College and their department.


MPH students who are doing out-of-state or international experiences may apply for funding through several sources:

  1. Request for Financial Support from the MPH Program (completed form along with approved Practicum proposal must be turned in at least 30 days prior to departure).
  2. International Programs Funding
  3. Departmental Funding – please check with your departmental program coordinator.

Travel policies for MPH students receiving funding will be emailed to students with their award letters.

Searching for a Job and Career Ready information

The College of Public Health provides supportive career advising for all students enrolled in the college. These services are accessible through 1-on-1 appointments, workshops, seminar classes, and other events throughout the year. More information can be found on the Career Services website.

Students are also urged to utilize the College of Public Health’s LinkedIn page, as career announcements will be posted there. Additionally, MPH students are encouraged to search the Career Ready section of the MPH website for career assistance. Mass mailing of CVs to multiple faculty members is discouraged.

Criminal Background Check

Students who plan a clinical experience at the UIHC are subject to a criminal background check, which may require a fee. A “clinical experience” is defined as a clinical Applied Practice Experience, clerkship, clinical rotation, or other educational experience in which the student provides direct patient care that is supervised, but not always directly observed, by a faculty member or staff member. Screening consists of self-disclosure and a formal background check at the start of the clinical experience.


Students should become familiar with the requirements for graduation established by the Graduate College and the Registrar. Although assistance will be provided by academic program coordinators, you must inform your coordinator of your intent to graduate early in the semester. Failure to complete required forms or to observe deadlines will result in failure to graduate in the desired semester.

Application for Degree

Within the first month of the semester in which you plan to graduate, you must fill out a degree application in MyUI. A degree application must be filed for the session during which you intend to graduate regardless of whether an application was filed for graduation in a previous semester.

Registration in Final Semester

The Graduate College requires you to be enrolled during the session in which your degree is to be conferred. To meet this requirement, Masters candidates who have completed all their course work may register for Masters final registration (GRAD:6001:0001 for 0 hours), or for any course of interest regardless of its relationship to public health. Tuition will be assessed.

Commencement Ceremony

Information on the Graduate College ceremony is available online.

Finally, please remember to inform your Graduate Coordinator of your post-graduation contact information and plans. The College is required to keep this data for our collegiate accreditation, so your information is greatly appreciated. Keeping track of our graduates is also an important measure of the continuing growth of the College of Public Health.

University Policies and Regulations Affecting Students

For a complete listing of university policies and regulations. Topics include student bill of rights, student records policy, policy on student complaints, policy on human rights, and anti-retaliation policy.

Top Recommendations for Student Success

  • Contact and meet with your academic advisor prior to or within the first week of beginning the MPH program to be certain that course selection is appropriate. Students must submit a MyPlan within two months of beginning the MPH program to be eligible to enroll during the early registration period for the following semester. Registration clearance for subsequent enrollment periods will not be released until an approved MyPlan is on file.
  • Take advantage of Professional Development opportunities.
  • Read and use the course description information that is available on the web to guide your course selection and completion of the Plan of Study. Course descriptions are available through searching for each specific course Department at Information about courses is also available on MyUI at: where you can use this page to look up a specific course or to browse courses by college or department and other criteria.
  • Be very careful to maintain the highest standards of academic integrity. The advent of on-line resources offers a wide range of readily available material for students. Vigilance must be maintained to avoid plagiarism. Please view the Graduate College Policy on Plagiarism at
  • Check e-mail daily. This is the primary method for distributing important information to you. If you are not receiving e-mails from the MPH program, please contact your graduate coordinator.
  • Inform your graduate program coordinator of changes to your e-mail, address, or telephone information as there are times when it is necessary to contact students. Be sure to update MyUI as well.
  • Visit with the staff at the Student Disabilities Service Office (3100 Burge Hall, 335-1462) if you have or suspect you have a disability that could interfere with the successful completion of your educational objectives. You should also visit their web page at for more information. Additionally, contact your academic advisor, the course instructor(s), and the Applied Practice Experience mentor(s) to facilitate your learning process.
  • Make an effort to know what is happening in public health practice, the College, and the University related to your specific field of interest. This will facilitate the transition to the workplace by increasing understanding of important public health issues and developing a network of professional colleagues.
  • Visit departmental websites to explore the activities of faculty members. Visit with administrative assistants, administrators, advisors, and research staff to stay abreast of developments.
  • Talk and network with peers. Attend professional developments events, seminars, student association meetings, and journal clubs (in some departments). Read bulletin boards and e-mails. Stay involved!
  • Keep up to date with the current literature in public health and in your own specialty field of interest.
  • Join and participate in professional organizations such as Iowa Public Health Association (IPHA) and the American Public Health Association (APHA). Activity in the field enhances the overall educational experience and helps students in their continuing professional development.
  • Interact formally and informally with other collegiate students and faculty regarding professional and scientific matters. Begin to develop your networking capacity before you leave the program; you will rely on these contacts in the coming years.
  • Utilize collegiate and departmental resources to maximize your educational experience

Student Life 

Student Organizations  

The Office of Student Life (OSL), located in the Iowa Memorial Union (IMU), provides diverse social, cultural, recreational, and educational programs and activities for the University of Iowa community. The OSL assists students and student organizations in designing, building, and maintaining an educational environment that enhances personal growth and fosters the purpose of their organization. Through its programs and services, the OSL is committed to assisting students in becoming a force for positive change within the University community and in society as a whole.

The College of Public Health Graduate Student Association exists to promote a greater sense of community throughout the College and to enhance interdisciplinary professional development. Please view for more information on this and other student associations with the college, including:

College of Public Health Graduate Student Ambassador Program
ECO Hawk (Easy Change Overall)
Community and Behavioral Health Student Association (CBHSA)
Biostatistics Student Organization
Epidemiology Student Association
Iowa-Illinois Industrial Hygiene Student Association (I3HSA)
Iowa Student Association of Healthcare Leaders (ISAHL)

Committee Service

Each fall, the Dean invites selected students to participate on standing and special ad hoc committees as full voting members. In addition to serving as important sources of information for the CPH student body, these student representatives serve as guides for the faculty and administration regarding the needs of students. These appointments create a formal channel through which student concerns and opinions can be aired.

Telephone Equipment and Calls

To call within the University, use only the last five digits of the phone number.

Parking and Transportation

A limited number of metered parking spots are located at the CPH Building near the West Entrance. Additional parking is available in the Newton Road Parking Ramp located across the street from the Medical Education and Research Facility (MERF) at 375 Newton Road. See a map of the university’s parking lots.


The Cambus is a free campus transportation system. Iowa City and Coralville also operate a bus system that serves the College of Public Health. All three have stops at the Medical Education and Research Facility at 375 Newton Road. Pick-up times and routes for all three transportation systems can be found by using the Transit mobile app.

For more information on routes, pick-up locations, and schedules:

For Cambus: call (319) 335-1475 or visit the Cambus website.

Iowa City Transit: call (319) 356-5151 or visit the Iowa City Transit website.

Coralville: call (319) 248-1700 or visit the Coralville Transit website.

Food Service

The Eat Shop is located on the first floor of the College of Public Health building. Nearby UI cafeterias are located in General Hospital (GH), the Eckstein Medical Research Building (EMRB), and at the Iowa Memorial Union (IMU).


Beverage and snack machines can be found in the student commons of the College of Public Health Building. More vending areas can be found in MERF, EMRB, and GH (staff cafeteria, Compass Café, Atrium).

Trash Collection

The College of Public Health achieved Platinum LEED Certification in part by our waste reduction and recycling practices. You will not find trash receptacles in student commons or other common areas. All trash and recycling should instead be taken to the centralized receptacles on each floor.

Student Commons / Computer Labs

  • The student commons and computer labs are unlocked 7:30am – 7:00pm Mon.-Fri. and by University ID all other times.
  • Please pick up after yourself; this is a shared facility so you need to be considerate of your colleagues. Leaving food or food wrappers on the table or floor creates an unpleasant environment.
  • Please wipe up spills in the microwave and refrigerator. The custodians do not clean these appliances; it is up to those who use it to keep it clean. If it is not cleaned, it will be removed.
  • Remember to remove food from the refrigerator by 2 p.m. on the first Friday of each month. All items left in the refrigerator will be discarded. This includes Rubbermaid containers, Tupperware containers, glass bowls, unopened items, and large multi-use containers.
  • Please use the recycling and compost containers! The tub designated for paper recycling is in the hallway.
  • If you post notices on the bulletin board, please remember to remove your notice in a timely manner.
  • Use the bulletin board to your advantage! Find a ride, sell your books, locate a roommate, etc.


Lockers are located on the lower level of the CPH building and are available for checkout by filling out an online Locker Request Form.

Study Areas

There are many good study areas available, including the Student Commons, additional shared spaces in the CPH Building, the EMRB Atrium, Hardin Health Sciences Library, numerous other UI libraries, and the Iowa City Public Library.


Two computer labs can be found on the second floor of the CPH Building near Student Commons. Students are provided with a budget for printing. Please do not remove items intended for everyone (e.g., stapler) from the room. Students may access the building and these computer labs 24/7. Please contact your graduate coordinator if you are unable to access these rooms.

Policy on Computer Lab Usage: Guidelines for All Students and Staff

Also available at

  • All users of the College of Public Health computer labs agree to abide by the University of Iowa Acceptable Use Policy:
  • Under this agreement, the lab facilities shall only be used for school-related activities.
  • All materials viewed on these machines must be inoffensive to all people in the lab. Absolutely no viewing of pornographic materials is allowed at any time.
  • Watching DVDs and other non-class related material is prohibited in any of the computer labs.
  • Absolutely no food or drink is allowed in any of the labs. Any person caught violating this policy will be asked to leave the lab immediately. Repeated violations may result in all lab privileges being revoked regardless of class involvement.
  • In addition to guidelines on computers, there are also guidelines for printing which prohibit the use of the printer for anything other than school work. Any materials found printed that are not school-related will be charged to your student account.
  • The installation of software on lab machines is prohibited. If you need an application installed on a lab machine, please contact the IT Office at 384-9898, or by email at Only software for academic use will be installed.
  • Everyone at the College wants to make your educational experience a success, which is why we strive to offer the best in technology for our students and staff. Help keep the labs in working order by adhering to the policies outlined above.