Community and Behavioral Health News

The latest news from the Department of Community and Behavioral Health at the University of Iowa College of Public Health.

Adeagbo writes about importance of social support for people living with HIV

Oluwafemi Adeagbo, assistant professor of community and behavioral health, co-authored an article about a study that examined how social support affects the well-being of people living with HIV in Nigeria. (The Conversation) Published August 29, 2023

Afifi discusses mental health and immigrant communities

In this episode of My City My Health Podcast, Rima Afifi, a public health expert and professor, discusses mental health in immigrant and refugee communities.  Published August 23, 2023

2023 Outstanding Alumni Award Recipients

The University of Iowa College of Public Health is pleased to announce the recipients of the college’s 2023 Outstanding Alumni Awards: Carla Britton and Kelsey Feller. All are invited to attend the awards presentation and discussion with the recipients on Wednesday, Sept. 13.  Published August 23, 2023

Q&A with alumna Lena Thompson: Developing culturally informed practices to meet Native Elders’ health needs

Alumna Lena Thompson (14MPH, 23PhD) shares some of her experiences working alongside others to enhance Native Elders’ health and adapting programs to be more culturally responsive. Published August 22, 2023

Alumna Jennifer Braun discusses health care workforce training

Jennifer Braun (12MPH) is director of workforce and organizational development at the American Hospital Association. She recently discussed her work focused on developing health care leadership and training. Published July 27, 2023