Collegiate Health and Safety Policies
- Automated External Defibrillator (AED) Save a life! Certification is not required to operate an AED. In fact, bystanders who follow AED instructions can save a life. According to the American Heart Association, cardiac arrest is a leading cause of death in the United States. More than 350,000 cardiac arrests occur outside of hospitals each year; less than 10 percent of those victims survive. Access to Automated External Defibrillators (AEDs) can significantly improve the chances of survival when a heart emergency occurs. At The University of Iowa, nearly all medical and recreation buildings have AEDs installed for public use. (See UI map showing all current AED locations.)
- Exposure Control Plan 2024
- Hepatitis B Vaccination Survey Instructions
Walking routes and maps
- Indoor route for MERF/CBRB without stairs
- Indoor route for MERF/CBRB stairs
- River path, neighborhood, and medical campus
- University Capitol Center (UCC) map
Inclement Weather Policy Notice
(note: there have not been any recent policy changes on this issue)
UI Operations Manual weather policy
As the policy states, whenever possible, the University continues to function during inclement weather. Regularly scheduled classes meet to the extent that students and faculty are able to travel to campus and attend classes. Units of the University providing essential services must remain open and in operation. These include University Hospitals and Clinics, Dental Clinics, Public Safety, University Housing, State Hygienic Laboratory, and Facilities Management. Staff in these units will be expected to make every reasonable effort to report to work. Administrative functions on the campus continue to the extent that faculty, staff, and administrators can travel to and conduct business on campus. Individuals should use good judgment and avoid serious risks in traveling to campus or in attending classes.
2. UI page section on Winter Weather Info
If weather conditions are so extreme that central administration decides it is necessary to postpone or cancel classes or any other University activity, the Office of Strategic Communication will alert the campus through a variety of venues, including Hawk Alert, a banner or announcement on the UI Homepage and the UI Severe Weather Web page at
3. Administrators/supervisors are encouraged to use reasonable discretion regarding enforcement of policies for reporting to work on time and permitting the use of accrued time or adjusting the work schedule to make up for time missed that is directly related to an inclement weather situation.