Computer Lab Usage Guidelines
The following are guidelines for the use of College of Public Health student computer labs:
- All users of the College of Public Health computers labs agree to abide by the University of Iowa Acceptable Use Policy.
- Under this agreement the lab facilities shall only be used for school-related activities.
- All materials viewed on these machines must be inoffensive to all people in the lab. Absolutely no viewing of pornographic materials is allowed at any time.
- Watching streaming services, DVDs, and other non-class related material is prohibited in any of the computer labs.
- Absolutely no food or drink is allowed in any of the labs. Any person caught violating this policy will be asked to leave the lab immediately. Repeated violations may result in all lab privileges being revoked regardless of class involvement.
- The installation of software on the lab machines is prohibited. If you need an application installed on a lab machine, please contact the IT Office at 384-3838 or by e-mail at Only software for academic use will be installed.
- Everyone at the college wants to make your educational experience a success, which is why we strive to offer the best in technology for our students and staff. Help keep the labs in working order by adhering to the policies outlined above.