Building Emergency Preparedness
Emergency Equipment at CPHB
AED & Narcan – located on every level of CPHB
Evac Chair – located in the enclosed center stairwell on the 3rd floor nearest the OEH Suite
Lockdown Buttons – located in classrooms, departments, suites
Rescue Phones – one the main floor located near the door of Student Services N170, near the elevator on all other floors, and inside the elevators
Stop the Bleed Kit – located on the first floor, near the water filling station
Emergency Notification Systems
Altertus Desktop Alert – integrated with Hawk Alert; campus networked computers that have been programmed to receive alerts receive notifications
Hawk Alert – emergency messaging system; emails, texts and voice calls
Outdoor Emergency Notification System – sirens located throughout campus used primarily for weather threats
RAVE Guardian App – mobile app; download Rave Guardian through the App Store
Webpage – is UIowa’s Emergency Webpage
Emergency Actions and Evacuation Plans
Campus Emergency Response Guide
Severe Weather Sheltering: There are no specific areas designated and therefore all occupants are instructed to follow National Weather Service (NWS) general guidance for seeking shelter in an available basement or a small interior room without windows on the lowest floor. In cases of severe weather threats not associated to dangerous wind conditions or other severe thunderstorm factors, individuals should follow the guidance of NWS and other public safety messaging (i.e. avoid outdoor activities during wind chill warnings).
CPHB Emergency Action Plan
A comprehensive guide to CPHB Emergency Management and Preparedness available here. (Restricted to CPHB occupants only. HawkID and password required)