Epidemiology News

CPH student Amir Ghanbari receives $20K grant to study adolescent bicycling injuries

Amir Ghanbari, a PhD candidate in the Department of Epidemiology, has been named the recipient of the 2023 H. Clay Gabler Scholar’s Program Award from the Association for the Advancement of Automotive Medicine. Published November 2, 2023

Connect with the college at APHA in Atlanta

Planning to attend the APHA Annual Meeting in Atlanta? View a list of CPH presentations, find our exhibit booth, and attend the CPH alumni and friends reception on Nov. 13.  Published October 25, 2023

CPH researchers receive grant to continue knee osteoarthritis study

CPH researchers received a $2.7 million grant from the National Institutes of Health to continue an ongoing clinical study of knee osteoarthritis. The study, led by Jim Torner, professor of epidemiology and primary investigator of data collection, has overseen the study since 2002. (Daily Iowan) Published October 25, 2023

Department of Epidemiology welcomes two new faculty members

The Department of Epidemiology was pleased to begin the new academic year in August with two new faculty members. Assistant professors Dr. Nichole Nidey (16MS, 19PHD) and Dr. Shoshannah Eggers began in their roles over the summer. Published October 23, 2023

Petersen comments on spread of Leishmania infantum

Leishmania infantum causes a more severe form of the disease called visceral leishmaniasis. Dogs are considered "the main reservoir" of the parasite. Now a boom in recent years of dog arrivals from abroad has raised concerns of this parasite's spread. "All of us have been fielding these calls from state public health veterinarians, from Army veterinarians, that are trying to figure out what to do," said Christine Petersen, director of the University of Iowa's Center for Emerging Infectious Diseases. (CBS News) Published October 19, 2023

Iowa researchers receive $2.7 million funding renewal to study osteoarthritis

University of Iowa researchers have received a $2.7 million funding renewal from the National Institutes of Health (NIH) to continue a multi-year study of the risk factors for knee osteoarthritis and factors related to progression. Published October 12, 2023

Platt discusses disparities in youth suicide

Jonathan Platt, assistant professor of epidemiology, studies the bigger picture of why suicides are affecting some groups of youth more than others. He recently took part in a Q&A about trends and disparities in suicide. (IPRC blog) Published October 11, 2023

Medicaid expansion has helped redlined neighborhoods get insured

Medicaid expansion helped remedy the effects of historical redlining for people living in those communities, according to a new study from the University of Iowa. "We can attribute about 5-6% less uninsurance in these higher redlined areas directly because of the decision to expand Medicaid," said Jason Semprini, author of the study and a postdoctoral scholar at the UI College of Public Health. (Des Moines Register) Published October 5, 2023

Alumna Kaitlin Emrich named director of Black Hawk County Public Health 

The Black Hawk County Board of Health unanimously named Kaitlin Emrich (09MPH) as the new public health director. Emrich is currently serving as the interim director and will begin her new role on Oct. 9, 2023. Published October 3, 2023

New research shows Medicaid expansion has dramatic impact in redlined communities

A new study published in the October 2023 edition of Health Affairs shows that Medicaid expansion has the greatest impact on lowering uninsurance rates among nonelderly adults in metropolitan communities with the highest levels of historical residential redlining. The study was led by Jason Semprini, postdoctoral scholar in the College of Public Health. Published October 3, 2023