Faculty Mentor Award

The College of Public Health Faculty Mentor Award recognizes faculty members who have provided outstanding mentorship to faculty or trainees (students, including postdocs) within CPH. This award is to be given on odd years.

Selection Process

  1. Who is eligible: Any faculty member who has a record of mentoring CPH faculty or trainees (students and postdocs) to success is eligible.
  2. Who may make nomination: Faculty, staff, and trainees (students and postdocs) may make a nomination. Self-nominations are not permitted.
  3. Awards Committee members who submit nominations will be excused from deliberations.
  4. All materials should be submitted through Workflow at the Nomination Form button listed above.
  5. Awards Committee selects the recipient.
  6. Questions? Please contact Kathy Welsh.
  7. This award is to be given in odd years, starting in Spring 2015.

Nomination Materials

  1. Nomination form including a 150- to 200-word statement from the nominator, describing the nominee’s qualifications.
  2. Nominee’s CV will be pulled from APR and shared with the Awards Committee.