About the Iowa Immunization Research Network
What is a collaboratory?
A Collaboratory is a combination of the words ‘collaboration’ and ‘laboratory’. It is a format for engaging in research where people from different fields work together to share ideas, learn from each other, and create and test new solutions.
What is the IIRN Collaboratory?
The University of Iowa and Iowa Immunizes partnered to form the Iowa Immunization Research Network (IIRN). The IIRN Collaboratory is a group of individuals (clinicians, pharmacists, dental professionals, and public health experts) and organizations, who are passionate about vaccinations and are working to connect researchers and community partners across the state. The goal is to conduct research, support evidence-informed strategies to increase vaccination rates and create a center for immunization research at the University of Iowa.
Expanding the immunization network
Growing the network
The Iowa Immunization Research Network (IIRN)’s first objective is to expand the network. Our goal is to bring together a statewide group of researchers, healthcare professionals, and organizations in Iowa. Together, we will make a plan to increase vaccination uptake and lower hesitancy. We are looking for organizations and individuals in Iowa who want to be part of this effort, from participating in discussions to taking part in clinical trials.
Learn about Iowa Immunizes
Iowa Immunizes includes a diverse group of organizations and individuals from across the state, working to protect children and adults by keeping our state’s immunization rates strong, sharing accurate and reliable vaccine information, and promoting science-based vaccine policy. Partnering with Iowa Immunizes is key to IIRN reaching communities and organizations throughout Iowa.
If you want to learn more about IIRN or join the research network, you can fill out our short contact information form. By doing this, you’ll automatically be part of our communication list. For membership questions, contact Elizabeth Faber.
Promoting Evidence-Informed Vaccine Interventions Workgroup
About Us
Welcome to the Iowa Immunization Research Network (IIRN)[FKN1] , Objective 2 – Promoting Evidence-Informed Vaccine Interventions Workgroup. Our goal is to help healthcare providers, pharmacists, dental professionals, and public health experts find and use effective strategies that encourage vaccination, backed by strong evidence.
Why Evidence-Based Interventions Matter
Using strategies based on solid scientific research is crucial in healthcare and community settings. These strategies have been proven to work well in encouraging vaccination. By using evidence-based interventions, vaccination programs can effectively increase uptake.
Our team encourages the use of strategies based on evidence among different vaccine providers.
These strategies need to be used consistently to increase trust in vaccinations, reduce false information, and boost confidence that vaccines work. These evidence-based strategies give practitioners a way to think about how well their vaccination efforts are working to help them make smart choices and adjust programs to better fit the needs of their community, leading to better health results.
Examples of where to find evidence-informed vaccination-promoting strategies are on the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s IQIP (Immunization Quality Improvement for Providers) website and The Community Preventive Services Task Force’s findings in The Community Guide.
Questions? Ask an Expert!
Our workgroup comprises experienced researchers and practitioners. If you have questions, reach out to our team. We are not able to give medical advice.
Want to Learn More or Get Involved?
If you are interested in knowing more about evidence-informed vaccination-promoting strategies or want to contribute to our workgroup, please contact us at You can also direct any other questions about evidence-based interventions or the Iowa Immunization Research Network to the same email address.
Manuscript and scientific dissemination
Sharing Research Findings
Our goal is to share research and help shape future interventions. Check back soon for updates on where we have published!
If you’re interested in joining the Iowa Immunization Research Network Collaboratory and being a part of important research, we invite researchers who care about vaccination and immunization. Reach out to us using our contact form here.
Meet the researchers

Natoshia Askelson, MPH, PhD
University of Iowa College of Public Health

Becky Bucklin, MPH
University of Iowa College of Public Health
Don Callaghan
Iowa Health and Human Services

William Doucette, MS, PhD
University of Iowa College of Pharmacy

Stephanie Evett, MPH
University of Iowa College of Public Health

Elizabeth Faber
Iowa Immunizes

Kaitlyn Fuerst
University of Iowa

Melissa Gant, MPH, MSW
University of Iowa College of Public Health
Amber Gedlinske, MPH
University of Iowa
Emma Gelman, MPH
University of Iowa College of Public Health

Emily Janio, MPH, MSTP
Carver College of Medicine
Katie Jones, MPH
Iowa Health and Human Services
Bethany Kintigh
Iowa Health and Human Services
Leann Larson
Iowa Health and Human Services

Vickie Miene, MS, MA, LMHC
University of Iowa College of Public Health

Liz Orton
Iowa Cancer Consortium

Nitin Pagedar, MD, MPH
University of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics

Christine Petersen, DVM, PhD
University of Iowa College of Public Health

Aaron Scherer, MA, PhD
Carver College of Medicine

Rachel Schramm, MS
Iowa Cancer Consortium

Aaron Seaman, MA, PhD
Carver College of Medicine

Shelley Walker
American Cancer Society

Mark Vander Weg, MS, PhD
University of Iowa College of Public Health

Melanie Wellington, MS, MD, PhD
Carver College of Medicine

Paul Windshitl, MS, PhD
University of Iowa
Patricia Winokur, MD
Carver College of Medicine

Rachel Young, MPH, PhD
University of Iowa