Global Injury and Violence Prevention Summer School

The iCREATE Summer School 2024 is designed to provide students with the background and skills necessary to design, implement, and evaluate public health intervention programs focusing on violence and injury prevention and control. This week-long program in Cluj-Napoca, Romania, is designed as a workshop-based course in partnership with the Department of Public Health. Participants will engage in panels, presentations, workshops, and site visits to gain hands-on experience. The course emphasizes a professional introduction to violence and injury prevention, encouraging students to attend social networking and cultural events on select days. All coursework is conducted in English.

The 2024 dates are June 17-22, 2024. Students are advised to leave 1-2 days to travel to Romania. It is encouraged to schedule the departures between June 22-23rd.

Students will be able to develop the following professional competencies:

  • Understand both the basic standards of violence and injury prevention and how these issues can be either minimized or avoided completely;
  • Understand how to measure, collect, and analyze data in the injuries and violence domain;
  • Develop public health programs and strategies responsive to these specific issues in diverse communities with diverse cultural values and traditions;
  • Differentiate among goals, measurable objectives, activities, and expected outcomes, appropriate indicators and data collection methods for a public health intervention program;
  • Differentiate between the purposes of formative, process, and outcome evaluation and explain how their findings can be used;
  • Conduct literature review and apply professional, scientific literature (e.g. epidemiologic data, behavior change theory) and the conceptual models in program planning, implementation and evaluation to have an evidence-based approach;
  • Describe steps and procedures for the planning, implementation and evaluation of public health programs, policies and interventions;
  • Explain the contribution of logic models and other planning tools in program development, implementation, and evaluation;
  • Identify critical stakeholders for the planning, implementation and evaluation of public health intervention programs.
  • Stimulate change related to injury and/or violence prevention through policy, enforcement, advocacy, and education.

Students will be taught interactively and will have the opportunity to develop, adapt and practice skills in program design, program implementation and evaluation through in-class activities and case studies. All students will receive a certificate of completion at the conclusion of the course.

View the Cluj School of Public Health Workshop Information

Program Costs and Fees

The total cost of participation is estimated to be around $2,800.00. An itemized budget is below. Please note that many of these costs are estimates and subject to change.

AirfareRoundtrip from Cedar Rapids to Cluj-Napoca, Romania$1800.00 USD
Program Registration Fee$600.00 USD
Housing AccommodationsOn-campus dormitories at $19/night for 8 nights*$150.00 USD
Estimated Living ExpensesFood, toiletries, etc at $30/day$250.00 USD
TOTAL$2800.00 USD
Optional: UI TuitionSummer term, 1 s.h.$1000.00 USD

All dormitory rooms will be 2-person occupancy; students will share a room with another US student attending the course. *Limited rooms can be offered if accommodation cannot be included in this price. Contact workshop coordinators if other options are required.

The above budget does not include expenses that some students may need to cover, such as a new passport, travel vaccines, and other necessities. If students would like to receive course credit for their participation, they will be required to pay the College of Public Health fee for 1 s.h. during the summer term.

Students who would like funding support are encouraged to apply for the Global Public Health Student Travel Grant.

Apply for Student Travel Funding

Apply for the Workshop

All students are required to complete an online application. The deadline to apply for the program is March 15, 2024.

Applications will be reviewed on a rolling basis. Students will be selected based on stated interest in injury and violence prevention and academic and disciplinary standing. Due to capacity restrictions, seating in this course is limited and not all qualified students may be selected.

Applicants will be informed of their admission within 2 weeks of submitting their application. Following the admission to the program, University of Iowa students will have until April 19 to confirm their enrollment, at which time all funding and scholarships should be finalized.

UI College of Public Health Students are required to meet with the Global Public Health Coordinator. To set-up an appointment, go to MyUI > Advising Appointments > College Offices/Public Health > Global Public Health

Apply Now


All questions regarding course content, application process, cost of the program, or other concerns should be directed to Diana Nemes at

Questions about UI College of Public Health student participation should be directed to Sophie Switzer, Global Public Health Coordinator, at