MPH Applied Practice Experience: for Faculty

The MPH Applied Practice Experience is an integrated application of the MPH curriculum. It is a 200-hour field experience that allows students to demonstrate professional competency in public health in a practice setting.
The practice experience enables students to bridge the gap between the classroom and public health practice. It is an exciting opportunity to gain “real world” experience. Additionally alumni commonly identify the MPH Applied Practice Experience as “one of the best parts of the MPH Program.”
As it is an application of a student’s MPH coursework, the applied practice experience is typically one of the final courses in the MPH plan of study. The project is supervised by an experienced field supervisor (preceptor) and the MPH Practicum Director.
How you can get involved
- Advise students to begin thinking about the applied practice experience early. Students must be registered for the course with an approved proposal before beginning their work. Some projects require substantial time to plan.
- Advise students to attend practice experience seminars. An applied practice experience planning seminar is scheduled each fall and spring. There is also a seminar showcasing student practice experiences that have been completed or are in progress.
- Direct students to the ICON course site. “CPH:7500 MPH Applied Practice Experience” is located in the Ongoing Courses section of a student’s ICON dashboard. The site provides examples of practice experience proposals and a wealth of other materials. All admitted MPH students have access to the site.
- Direct students to the MPH Practicum Director. Jeanie Kimbel supports students through all phases of practice experience planning and completion. Feel free to contact her at
- Provide networking assistance. CPH faculty cannot function as field supervisors (preceptors). However, your colleagues in the practice sector may be positioned perfectly to host an MPH student for their applied practice experience.