MPH Applied Practice Experience: for Students

The MPH Applied Practice Experience is an integrated application of the MPH curriculum. It allows students to demonstrate professional competency in public health in a practice setting.
The applied practice experience enables students to bridge the gap between the classroom and public health practice. It is an exciting opportunity to gain “real world” experience. Additionally alumni commonly identify the MPH Applied Practice Experience as “one of the the best parts of the MPH Program.”
MPH applied practice experience requirements
- An approved proposal focused on a substantive public health problem or issue that is salient to the host organization
- An approved preceptor to function as a supervisor within the host organization
- A minimum of 200 hours of service, carrying out the proposed project
- A final written report, poster and/or oral presentation including copies of all materials and products created
It is typically one of the final courses in the MPH plan of study. However, it is never too soon to begin thinking about options.
More info for current students
The ICON course site provides access to the course syllabus, examples of practice experience proposals and a wealth of other materials. All students, admitted to the MPH program, can access the site here: CPH:7500 MPH Practicum Experience (login required).
Feel free to contact Jeanie Kimbel, Practicum Director, at for further information.
More info for prospective students
Feel free to contact Jeanie Kimbel, Practicum Director, at for further information.