Graduate Assistantships
Graduate Assistantships (GAs) represent one source of financial aid from the department. Assistantships are awarded annually on the basis of student merit and departmental need and include health care benefits. GA projects are designed to give students an opportunity to apply core competency skills, master the use of resources such as Excel and relevant databases, and hone professional skills such as real-time presentation of policy information.

Chris Stamy, MPH, MHA Student
Undergrad Institution/Degree: University of Iowa, Biology
I am currently compiling and delineating information from interviews of several Accountable Care Organizations (ACOs) across the United States with rural components. During this process I am gaining an enhanced understanding of the structure and composition of ACOs. More importantly, this opportunity has also given me insight into the formation and growth of ACOs as well as how the policies they are implementing generate shared savings.

Jessica Larson, MHA, MPH Student
Undergrad Institution/Degree: University of Washington, Political Science and Communications
In my GA, I have learned how to effectively tell a story with data. I use tools such as Excel to compile and analyze data in order to clearly and concisely present information related to policy issues. Developing this important skillset prepares me for agenda setting activities in the future as well as policy advocacy.