College of Public Health Office Guidelines for Fall 2020
Published on July 30, 2020
General Considerations
- It is important to reduce the density of occupants on campus in order to proactively protect the health and safety of our faculty, staff and students whose work must be performed or completed on campus.
- Supervisors are expected to ensure that employees who can continue to work remotely plan to do so until January 2021.
- Unless it is absolutely necessary, we ask that you remain out of the building. Doing so will help us to keep the space as clean as possible for those who need to be in.
- To the greatest extent possible, use virtual connectivity to promote collaboration more so than physical closeness in order to reduce the risk of virus spread.
- Remember that all rooms are unique and must be treated in different ways to maintain physical distancing. Each must be evaluated in context with the operational nature of the environment (e.g. circulation; ventilation).
Private Office Spaces
Single Occupancy
- Virtual meetings or meeting with six feet distance with the door open to allow for optimal ventilation is encouraged over closed‐door meetings. Closed door meetings in private offices are strongly discouraged. If someone needs a private conversation, this should be done virtually or in a larger space that accommodates six feet distancing and greater circulation and ventilation.
- Occupants should check chair locations to ensure six feet distancing if they plan to have others in their space.
- Individuals working in their private office alone with their door shut may take their face coverings off. Those stopping by will need to knock – allowing the occupant to put their covering back on before opening the door. The person outside of the room needs to move away from the door while the door is opened in order to maintain at least six feet of separation.
Shared Occupancy
- Per UI Campus Planning Guidelines, private offices with less than 180 Assignable Square Footage (ASF) should be used as single occupancy. Based on this, no private office in CPHB can have multiple people working in them at the same time.
- For those who currently share a private office and cannot work remotely, alternative strategies to reduce occupancy at any one time will be required. Clearly communicated office hours must be agreed upon by room occupants and their supervisor(s). Flexible work arrangements to consider include:
- Staggered arrival/departure times (e.g. one works 7‐noon; another 12‐5 PM)
- Varied Days in the office (e.g. one person odd days; another person even days)
Open Office Environments
- Strict seating charts with assigned stations and occupancy protocol for large open office environments is required in order to ensure physical distancing requirements are met.
- CPH preference is to reduce room occupancy/density rather than plexiglass as it is not clear there would be adequate air exchange nor sufficient space to allow movement in/out of a plexiglass partitioned area without contacting someone else in a room.
- If you have an open office environment in your area, please e‐mail Lori Cranston so a plan can be established.
- Cleaning and surface disinfecting for individually occupied spaces will be required of those individual occupants.
- Each department will have cleaning supplies for faculty, staff and student use to clean their spaces.
- Occupants should remove accessories and clutter from surfaces to allow for more efficient cleaning.
- For workspaces that are shared, those assigned will need to clean their space between uses.
Questions: If you have questions about these space guidelines or building related protective measures in your workspace, please e‐mail Lori Cranston.