Get to know Lupita Wombacher
Published on May 13, 2024
Lupita Wombacher is the new custodial supervisor for the College of Public Health Building. In this role, Lupita supervises the staff who work diligently to maintain a physical environment that is clean, safe, and supports the college’s mission of learning, research, and community engagement. Thank you, Lupita, and welcome to your new role!
Where did you work prior to your new role in the College of Public Health Building?
I worked as a Custodial Supervisor at the four buildings on the Pentacrest – Jessup Hall, Schaeffer Hall, MacBride Hall, and MacLean Hall – for four years.
What are you looking forward to in your new role?
I’m looking for an opportunity to use the skills I have learned throughout my career with the UI, and also develop new skills. Life is about learning. I want to make an impact, grow as a person. I’m ready to face new challenges on this new journey. I’m also looking to build a good relationship with my team and the building occupants as well and make sure that they know we are here to help on whatever we can.
Is there a fun fact about yourself that you’d like to share?
I was born and raised in Acapulco, Mexico, and moved to Iowa 16 years ago. I’m married and have two boys and one girl. Family is the most important thing about my life.