Hear from the CPH Outstanding Alumni Award recipients on Sept. 12
Published on August 25, 2022
The University of Iowa College of Public Health will honor the recipients of its 2022 Outstanding Alumni Awards at a special event on September 12, 2022, from 12:30 to 1:30 p.m. in Callaghan Auditorium (N110 CPHB). All students, faculty, and staff are invited to attend and learn about the recipients’ careers in a student-led conversation. A virtual option also will be available – register here for the Zoom link.
The award recipients are Brett Faine, who earned a Master of Science degree in epidemiology and is now a clinical associate professor of pharmacy practice and emergency medicine at the University of Iowa; and Kenneth Saag, who earned a Master of Science degree in preventive medicine and environmental health/epidemiology and is now the Water’s Endowed Chair in the Department of Medicine and professor and director of clinical immunology and rheumatology at the University of Alabama at Birmingham.
This award recognizes College of Public Health alumni who have made distinguished contributions to the field of public health and demonstrated a strong interest and commitment to the mission, vision, and values of the college.
College of Public Health alumni awards are presented in two categories: graduates within the past ten years who have achieved important and promising accomplishments and have exceptional potential for future success, and other alumni for accomplishments throughout their careers who have attained widespread recognition and respect for significant contributions in their field.
Read more about the awards and recipients here.