IPRC receives Safe States President’s Award
Published on May 3, 2016
The University of Iowa Injury Prevention Research Center (IPRC) was recently honored with the 2016 Safe States Alliance President’s Award. This award recognizes a member who has been instrumental in assisting the Safe States Alliance president in achieving the organizational priorities of the alliance.
In presenting the award, Binnie LeHew, president of the Safe States Alliance, said all the IPRC staff members have been “critical to the Iowa Department of Public Health’s ability to build our injury and violence prevention program.” She added, “There have been many instances in which they came through when I was looking for a resource, help to finish a project, or brainstorm ideas for our national violence and injury prevention work.”
Lisa Roth, deputy director of the IPRC, accepted the award on behalf of the center.
The IPRC is based in the UI College of Public Health and is directed by Corinne Peek-Asa. The Safe States Alliance is a national non-profit organization and professional association whose mission is to strengthen the practice of injury and violence prevention.