Media roundup: 2023 Cancer in Iowa report
Published on March 1, 2023

According to the 2023 Cancer in Iowa report, Iowa is the only state with a significant increase in cancer incidence from 2015 to 2019, and has the second-highest overall cancer incidence of all U.S. states. A number of news stories were generated about the report and news conference that took place Feb. 28, 2023.
Media Coverage
What we can learn from the 2023 Cancer in Iowa Report (River to River)
Annual cancer report finds increase in Iowa cancer cases, but fewer deaths (Iowa Public Radio)
Iowa has second-highest cancer rate; only state with cancer cases rising (The Gazette; also in the Globe Gazette)
Cancer in Iowa report predicts second highest incidence rate of cancer cases in the country (KCRG; also ran on KWQC)
Iowa Cancer Registry turns 50, Releases 2023 Cancer in Iowa Report (KGAN)
New report gives dire predictions for cancer deaths in Iowa (WHO)
Cancer survival rates up as state registry marks 50 years (Radio Iowa)
Iowa cancer report shows decreased mortality rates, increased incidence rates (The Daily Iowan)
Iowa’s cancer battle: More people are surviving (Our Quad, also on SiouxlandProud)
If you’re 45 or older, “March” to get screened this Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month (KGAN)
Editorial: We used to be No. 1 in schools. Now, at least we’re No. 2 in cancer. (Storm Lake Times Pilot)