
MPH student selected for UIHC health policy fellowship

Published on December 19, 2018

College of Public Health student Delaney Bounds has been selected for a year-long health policy fellowship with University Iowa Health Care. Bounds, a Master of Public Health degree candidate in the Department of Health Management and Policy, will serve as the 2019-2020 Stacey Cyphert Health Policy Fellow.

This post-graduate fellowship consists of three placements over the course of the year intended to provide broad policy development experience in the public and private sectors. The first three months of the fellowship are spent with a research organization at the University of Iowa; the second three months with an external stakeholder organization; and the final six months with UI Health Care’s health policy team in Des Moines during the Iowa legislative session.

The fellowship is named in honor of Stacey Cyphert, PhD, who served as Assistant Vice President for Health Policy in UI Health Care. A 1990 graduate of the Department of Health Management and Policy, Cyphert was instrumental throughout his career in shaping health policy in the state of Iowa and developing a strong relationship among University of Iowa Health Care and state and federal government.