
No coding experience? No fear. 

Published on September 2, 2024

Jacob Vandervaart

2nd year MPH Epidemiology

“There are many reasons people choose to study epidemiology. Perhaps you were inspired by the COVID-19 pandemic, or you heard it pays well, or you love data analysis and coding. Not many incoming epi students fall into the last category. Most have never coded before and are terrified to try. In your first few weeks in the program, you may hear that knowing R and SAS is an essential skill and a golden ticket to an excellent job as an epidemiologist. This emphasis on such an unfamiliar skill leaves many students panicking at the beginning of the year.

Let me reassure you, the learning curve is not as steep as you might fear. Many of your peers and past graduates were once in your shoes, and they successfully navigated this journey. If they can do it, so can you. 

What you are envisioning is probably more complicated than what is the case. You will not write massive programs or develop apps like a software engineer. The bread and butter of the epidemiologist are counts and rates. Calculating counts and rates can be accomplished very quickly in the statistics software of your choice. Once you learn the basics, you will be thankful you can perform these tasks in a few minutes. Why manually count instances when your computer can do it with a few lines of code? 

Throughout the year, you’ll have numerous opportunities for field placements and internships that involve data analysis and coding. I found two such positions last year. I urge you to apply for these, even if you feel underqualified. You likely have the skills, and remember, you’re not alone. The entire program is here to support you. You have the tools, resources, and a strong support network to succeed. So, don’t panic, you’ve got this.”

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