
Nominations open for Discovery and Innovation Awards

Published on December 5, 2023

The Office of the Vice President for Research announced nominations are open for the Discovery and Innovation Awards. This is an opportunity to recognize individuals in the areas of discovery, innovation, and leadership development. Nomination instructions and award criteria are available here.

REMINDER: If you intend to submit a nomination for CPH faculty, staff and student research, safety, or mentorship awards, please notify Diane Rohlman or Ericka Klingner in the Research Office by December 18.  

Faculty and Staff Awards

Nominations for the following awards are due Monday, February 5, 2024.

Faculty Awards:

  • Scholar of the Year
  • Early Career Scholar of the Year
  • Leadership in Research
  • Distinguished Achievement in Publicly Engaged Research
  • Distinguished Achievement in Arts and Humanities Research
  • Faculty Communicating Ideas Award
  • Advancing Understanding in Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) Award
  • OUR Distinguished Mentor Award

Research staff awards:

  • Distinguished Research Administrator Award
  • Distinguished Research Professional Award

Safety awards:

  • Innovation in Safety Award

Postdoc and Student Awards

Nominations for the following awards are due Thursday, January 11, 2024.

Postdoctoral award: 

  • Postdoctoral Research Scholar/Fellow Excellence Award

Student awards

  • Excellence in Undergraduate Research Awards 
  • Graduate Research Excellence Awards
  • Innovation in Safety Award (Student)