Paul Romitti receives ICBDSR Distinguished Service Award
Published on November 8, 2022

Paul Romitti, professor of epidemiology in the University of Iowa College of Public Health, received the 2022 Distinguished Service Award from the International Clearinghouse for Birth Defects Surveillance and Research (ICBDSR). The award honors an individual who has provided distinguished service to the clearinghouse.
The ICBDSR is a WHO-affiliated organization that includes 42 surveillance programs from 36 countries. Romitti has served on the executive committee for ICBDSR for the past several years, including three years as chair of the committee.
To be eligible for the award, the recipient must:
- have been part of a clearinghouse member program or a related office for at least seven years;
- have served the clearinghouse in the past in a leadership category;
- provide evidence of a productive career in birth defect surveillance, research, or prevention; and
- demonstrate leadership in the discipline, as evidenced by leadership in surveillance programs and activities, advisory groups, or training of new specialists in birth defect surveillance and research.
The award was presented at the 48th ICBDSR Annual Meeting.