Wright named AcademyHealth Presidential Scholarship recipient
Published on February 12, 2015

Brad Wright, assistant professor of health management and policy, was named one of five recipients of the Presidential Scholarship for the AcademyHealth Institute on Advocacy and Public Policy. This award provided complimentary registration and funding to attend the 2015 National Health Policy Conference (NHPC) held Feb. 9-10 in Washington, D.C.
“The day before the conference, the Presidential Scholars participated in a public policy boot camp,” says Wright. “Then the day after the conference, we engaged in advocacy training in support of science policy and funding for health services research, before heading to the Hill to meet with staffers from Sen. Ernst’s office, Rep. Loebsack’s office, and Sen. Grassley’s office. In fact, I got to meet Sen. Grassley and talk to him about the research I’m conducting here at the UI College of Public Health. It was a tremendous opportunity.”