Faryle Nothwehr, MPH, PhD


Title(s): Associate Professor
Department: Community and Behavioral Health
Office: N424 CPHB
Phone: (319) 384-1482

Dr. Nothwehr’s research interests have encompassed several health-related behaviors, but especially the complex and fundamental problem of nutrition, and more specifically, eating behaviors of adults in rural community settings. Her work has involved the development and testing of effective, affordable intervention strategies that can be widely and easily adopted by low-resource communities. Her research has been conducted through partnerships with restaurants, libraries, and local newspapers, investigating a range of ways that these commonly found community entities can promote healthy eating. She has provided consultation to state and local health departments as they design, implement, and evaluate nutrition and physical activity interventions.  Other research interests include behavioral epidemiology and theory-based design of a variety of health-related behavior change interventions.

Courses Taught

  • Research Methods in Community and Behavioral Health
  • Public Health Issues in Overweight Management
  • Health Behavior and Health Education
  • Social & Psychological Determinants of Health

Research Interests

  • Diet and exercise behavior
  • Behavioral interventions
  • Behavioral epidemiology
