Staff Pilot Research Award
Purpose: Recognizing the role research staff play in advancing the College of Public Health (CPH) research agenda, this pilot research award is available to promote independent research projects among research staff. Funds are available to assist CPH research staff in collecting preliminary data or conducting a pilot study that will support proposals for external funding.
Eligibility: The principal investigator/applicant must be a staff member in the CPH, conducting research and eligible to apply for external funding. The staff member may receive this award mechanism only once.
Awards: It is anticipated that one award per year with funding up to $10,000 will be made.
- Scientific merit, including originality
- Relevance to UI public health mission
- Likelihood of subsequent extramural funding
Deadline: December 4, 2024. If no proposals are awarded, a second call for proposals will be issued spring semester.
Applications: Please read and follow the proposal guidelines. Please email your complete proposal, resume, and supervisor endorsement, combined as one complete PDF version to Please CC your supervisor and DEO on the submission.
Budget: Awards will be made for a full calendar year. It is required that awarded funds be utilized within this time period. Funds not utilized by will revert to the originating research account. Funds awarded may be used for PI and/or staff salaries. Up to $1,000 of the approved funds may be used for travel for the PI to present research results at a conference or meeting. A portion of the project funds can be used for local travel for research activities, e.g. data collection efforts in the state. No other travel expenses are permitted. Equipment purchases must be pertinent to the research plan.
Final Report:
- A brief final written report will be required to be submitted to the CPH Research Office. The report should include the following:
- Statement of aims and rationale for the project
- Description of the activities that were conducted and major findings
- A brief (5 or so sentences) description of the project suitable for a lay audience
- Publications, presentations or other dissemination activities
- Summary of how funds were used
- Future direction of the project, including plans for external funding pursuits
- Research Office will follow up for three years post-award to identify outputs from this award (e.g., publications, presentations, grants submitted/awarded).
- Awards recipients may be requested to present a brief summary of the project at an event such as the CPH Open Forum or CPH Pilot Project Fair. Arrangements for the presentation will be made in coordination with the Research Office.
- Award recipients will be recognized at the CPH Awards Ceremony.
Evaluation: The CPH Research Council will review and rank the applications based on significance, research plan, relationship to CPH mission, and likelihood of subsequent extramural research funding.