Student Organization Contacts
Get involved! A variety of student groups are organized in the College of Public Health.
College of Public Health Graduate Student Association
The College of Public Health Graduate Student Association at the University of Iowa was established to expand opportunities in professional development and outreach, discuss student issues, and create a greater sense of community for all graduate students in the College of Public Health.
Community and Behavioral Health Student Association
The Community and Behavioral Health Student Association was established to provide opportunities for professional development, service oriented outreach and social events for students. CBHSA aims to create unity among all students in the Department of Community and Behavioral Health by serving as a means of communication between students, faculty, the College of Public Health, and the community.
Biostatistics Student Organization
BSO serves to help foster a strong sense of community and encourage professional growth and opportunity among biostatistics students. This is primarily accomplished through organizing social events, offering various professional workshops, hosting regular journal clubs to discuss recent work in the field, and engaging with the local community through service projects.
BSO website
Epidemiology Student Association
The Epidemiology Student Association aims to promote the study and use of epidemiological theory and techniques of practice, as well as increase the awareness of occupational and educational opportunities, foster collaboration and comradery among our students and faculty, and promote professionalism in Epidemiology.
Occupational and Environmental Health Student Association at Iowa (OEHSAI)
The Occupational and Environmental Health Student Association at Iowa (OEHSAI) aims to ignite students’ passion for all Occupational and Environmental Health careers, cultivating in students the ingenuity, curiosity, determination, and boldness required to become leaders in OEH research and practice. This is accomplished through professional and social events within the department and in the community. Membership is open to all OEH students.
Iowa Student Association of Healthcare Leaders
The Iowa Student Association of Healthcare Leaders (ISAHL) is our program’s affiliate of the American College of Healthcare Executives (ACHE) Higher Education Network. ISAHL is associated with the Iowa Association of Healthcare Leaders (IAHL), the local chapter of ACHE. ACHE serves as the premier organization for health care executives and includes 30,000 members internationally. ACHE strives to foster personal and career development relating to health leadership. If you are not already, you will certainly become aware of ACHE’s presence in our field. You can find out more about ACHE by visiting
Graduate Student Ambassadors
Graduate Student Ambassadors represent a diverse group of students that strive to inspire, connect with and represent, past, present, and future College of Public Health graduate students.
Student Association for Rural Health (SARH)
The purpose of the Student Association for Rural Health (SARH) is to raise awareness of rural health and healthcare to students at the University of Iowa. We aim to fulfill our mission to its full extent through engagement with guest speakers and panel discussions, field trips, networking activities, volunteer opportunities, and other events. We want to provide students who are interested in rural health and rural healthcare place to connect and grow, while also raising awareness about the health and healthcare needs of rural communities.