Terms of Use
The research material provided to you may only be utilized in accordance with the following conditions for use of the data. Every project member must complete the Individual User Agreement.
- The Principal Investigator must be a University of Iowa faculty member with at least a 0.50 FTE permanent appointment.
- The PI should only request the minimum necessary data elements needed to accomplish the project as described in the description.
- Project approval is required from Wellmark before access to the data repository will be allowed.
- To fiscally support CPHS maintenance of the data repository on the dedicated CPHS server, the PI agrees to pay an access fee. Projects with a PI and at most one eligible user will be charged $360/year per project. Projects involving a PI and two or more eligible users will be charged $600/year per project. Uses for dissertation research will be charged $120 per year. The annual charge will be billed after project approval and prior to granting server access.
- The data in the repository may not be merged with any other person-level database.
- Researchers will not attempt to re-identify any individual within the data repository.
- Researchers may not contact individuals who are collecting the material (i.e., Wellmark) to obtain any identifying information.
- All users will maintain confidentiality of all subject information and will not engage in any activities that attempt to subvert security measures that are in place.
- If a user believes a security breach has occurred they will immediately notify the PI who in turn will notify the CPHS Director.
- The PI will notify CPHS if any person previously approved as a project member no longer holds that status.
- Any use of the Repository beyond the scope of the approved project requires a new project submission for approval by Wellmark.
- Any presentation, publication, or other public dissemination of information derived from these data must be sent to the CPHS Director or Deputy Director who will forward to Wellmark for review. The review process should take no longer than two weeks.
- Use of the repository is conducted under IRB #200811728.