Tools for Starting CT Lung Screening Programs: Rural Hospitals have the Resources for Success
View Enduring Materials to obtain CME/CEU until midnight, September 21, 2021

Tools for Starting CT Lung Screening Programs
The 2021 Iowa Rural Cancer Collaboratory Educational Series: Successful Strategies and Shared Resources to Support Comprehensive Cancer Care in Rural iowa.
Obtain CME/CEU for the webinar – follow these instructions – complete by midnight September 21, 2021
- On to the home page, IIPHRP Courses, scroll down to see the Rural Cancer Education Series: Tools for Starting CT Lung Screening Programs: Rural Hospitals Have the Resources for Success! Click on the course.
- Once on the training page, click the button, “Enroll for free”
- You will be prompted to “Create a new account” This account setup takes about 1 minute. It requires your name, email, and the creation of a password.
- Once completed, click “Sign up” to begin the course
- If the course does not automatically start or you see the error message “you are already enrolled in this course”, look in the top right hand corner of your screen and click “All Courses”
- You will then be directed to the “My Courses” page where the Rural Cancer Collaboratory Webinars are housed.
- Click start and begin. You can stop and start as many times as you need to – just save the Thinkfiic login page in your browser for quick access next time!
- Answer all the questions in the module to obtain CME/CEU credit. The module must be completed by midnight on September 21, 2021
Featured Speakers:
Lori Peitig, MHA, CT, RT, Director of Cancer Services at St Anthony Regional Hospital
Richard Hoffman, MD, MPH Director of General Internal Medicine at the University of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics
Sara Averill, MD, Radiologist at the University of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics
The series is sponsored by the Iowa Cancer Consortium and the Iowa Institute of Public Health Research and Policy.