Undergraduate Graduation and Career Services

Career Services
All public health majors will be introduced to a variety of necessary professional skills through their many required courses, including the experiential learning requirement and the 3rd year seminar. The college will also offer a number of specific career development workshops in CPHB throughout the year, which may include workshops on writing personal statements for graduate school, how to talk about experiential learning in an interview, and deciding if a gap year is right for you. Workshops and other professional opportunities will be announced throughout the year in the Undergraduate Student Newsletter, as well as other digital formats.

Gap Years and Non-traditional Post-baccalaureate Options
Students with a bachelor’s degree are not limited to just graduate school or careers immediately after graduating. Many students may choose to take a year or two after their undergraduate education to participate in a non-traditional program or activity that allows them to explore and develop as professionals. These opportunities might be fellowships, internships, volunteer or service corps, or any number of experiences. Both the CPH advising office and the Pomerantz Career Center are good resources for finding these types of opportunities.

Graduation with a Public Health Major
The College of Public Health (CPH) undergraduate students may apply for graduation in the fall, spring, or summer terms. CPH hosts a collegiate commencement ceremony every spring to which students and family are invited.